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— chapter nine: i would suggest shutting the fuck up —

"come on now, you know it won't fit." donghyuck groaned. mark shrugged and told him "you don't know before you try."
"ugh, fine." donghyuck scoffed and aggressively took the shirt out of mark's hand.

the two were currently alone in the training hall where mark wanted to teach him a bit more martial arts. well 'want' was a bit of an exaggeration. it was more like donghyuck was so bored he decided to annoy mark all day until the older male couldn't take it anymore. this was proven also a reason why mark was so pissed. donghyuck could see it at his jaw clenching and frequent eye rolls.

"so are you going to put it on or not?" mark asked, obviously not having any of donghyuck's teasing today.
"okay, okay, chill! where can i change?" the younger asked. mark snorted and looked at him amused.

"here? where else would you go?" he questioned, holding in his chuckle. donghyuck wasn't really amused and said coldly "i'm not going to change in front of you."

"oh my god! you can't be serious." mark rolled his eyes once again "we're both men, now put it on or i'll do it for you." he said.

donghyuck saw that he didn't have much of a choice so he just sighed and stripped out of his comfortable hoodie. the actual reason why he was uncomfortable changing in front of mark, or anyone at that, was that he felt uncomfortable with his stomach. it wasn't as toned as jeno's or mark's and he felt ashamed of it. in his mind he knew that it was ridiculous, he wasn't fat at all, but in his embarrassment he also wasn't as muscular as he wished to be. even though he did try some workouts before, he found them to be not much fun so he stopped working out.

back to reality donghyuck had now stripped from his hoodie and tried to put the shirt on as fast as possible. he noticed mark's stares nonetheless which made him even more embarrassed. the older male was probably judging his body right now. once the shirt was on donghyuck stretched around a bit and to his surprise the shirt fight. yes, it was tight but it fit.

"it looks... good." mark said, eyeing donghyuck up and down. the latter huffed and said sarcastically "sure it does." mark opened his mouth to reply but closed it again, obviously discarding whatever he wanted to say.

"what ever, let's just go." he said instead and waved for the younger to follow him. donghyuck did and they once again stood in the boxing ring. at first, mark made sure that donghyuck still knew the basics which he still did, much to his own surprise. the movement slightly hurt in his stomach but kun had assured him, sports would be fine since his wound was healing just fine in the few weeks that had passed.

"i see you still remember. very good." mark complimented him.

"of course i do. what did you expect?" donghyuck sassed.

"jesus, just take the compliment." mark groaned and rolled his eyes for the nth time.

"okay, thank you." donghyuck replied.

"now we're going to focus on your stand. you're movements are alright but your stand is way to fragile. it's import to be on both your feet in a steady stance. or else your enemy can easily push or punch you and you will fall back. i suggest putting one foot a bit before the other. it'll help you keep your balance as well as help you when you need to kick your enemy." mark explained.

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