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— chapter eleven: this isn't normal, is it? —

when the four returned to the mafia mansion, the sun had already started to illuminate the sky, colouring it in a deep purple which mixed into the night's dark blue. the ride was quiet, everyone being tired and wanting to go to bed.

donghyuck sat in the back seat, next to mark who was just staring out the window. the sky threw a purple shine onto mark's face making him look out if this world. donghyuck would've taken a picture if he had his phone with him.

after a few minutes mark seemed to notice that he had been the object of donghyuck's focus for the past minutes. he threw donghyuck a quick glare which made the younger look away instantly. he felt caught and embarrassed, a pink hue spreading over his cheeks. he didn't dare to look at mark anymore, feeling too scared the man might think weird of him. (a/n: fellas, is it gay to look at your homie?)

arriving at the house, a tired looking johnny waited for them at the entrance. his brown hair looked really pretty in the rays of the rising sun.

"everything went okay?" he asked towards jaemin and mark. both nodded and the latter pulled out a bundle of money and handed it to johnny who nodded and patted mark's back.

"well done. i guess i won't be seeing any of you four at breakfast." johnny chuckled and added a "sleep well." before disappearing in the depths of the huge house.

donghyuck followed yuta, jaemin and mark to what he liked to call the 'dorms' which were basically the members' bedrooms. yuta left to his room first then jaemin. he went into the room which used to belong to donghyuck and yangyang but was now inhabited by renjun, jeno and jaemin.

thinking of jeno and renjun, donghyuck suddenly questioned to himself whether jeno had finally asked renjun the big question or not but to be honest he felt too tired to investigate now. instead he followed mark into their room. he fell onto his bed and closed his eyes but opened them again when he heard mark chuckle.

"at least change. you don't want to get your covers dirty." mark commented.

"shut up, they are my covers not your's. don't worry about them." donghyuck mumbled, burying his face in the blanket.
"still this is my room. come on! or are you too shy again to change in front of me?" mark teased. donghyuck frowned into the cover.

"no, i'm not 'too shy'." donghyuck stated "i'm just too tired."

"sure, you are." mark said, obviously not believing him. donghyuck groaned, not believing he was going to do this. he raised himself took off his jacket and shirt and turned to mark.

"you said?" he asked annoyed. mark could fuck off right now, all donghyuck wanted was peace and quiet to sleep.

"that's a view i don't mind." mark commented before handing donghyuck his black sleeping shirt.

"hold up, are you flirting right now?" donghyuck questioned, totally stunned by mark's boldness. even with his sleepiness, he knew that this wasn't normal.

"nah, i'm sure your mind is playing tricks on you right now." mark snorted and undressed himself. since he wasn't really paying attention to donghyuck, the latter took that as an invitation to take a look at mark's body.

it was a damn good view, he had to admit. of course, he had seen mark's bare torso before, it was bound to happen when you share a room but this time was different. mark's abs were on full display and somewhere in donghyuck's mind he wondered what it would feel like to trace over them with his fingers. when mark turned around to go to the wardrobe and get his pyjamas, donghyuck could spot his back muscles as well. they were defined and only emphasised mark's broad shoulders and thin waist even more.

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