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— chapter five: the few hours until midnight —

while donghyuck sat at the side, trying to calm himself down, taeyong and the other members were working on a plan. that was pretty much the only thing donghyuck noticed as his mind was in other places.

next thing he knew was that he got pulled by mark, taeyong and another two young men. they guided him through one of the doors and then down some stairs until they arrived in what seemed like a bunker. basically it was a big hall with two shooting stands, one boxing ring and some boxing equipment.

"what are we doing here?" donghyuck asked. none of the men had spoken a word during their journey downstairs and despite knowing how serious this was, donghyuck couldn't help but think that they were ridiculously quiet.

"it's still your wish, that if out plan doesn't succed that you're going to get exchanged for your friends?" taeyong asked. donghyuck nodded, he hadn't changed his mind about it.

"and you know that it would be very likely your death once you are in their hands?"

donghyuck nodded again, this time with a gulp.

"okay. i just needed to make sure. our plan is to go in through the roof of the building. it's actually a normal suburban house but it luckily has some windows in the roof which we'll try to use as our entrance." donghyuck tilted his head and out of curiosity asked "who is we?"

"that would be us." one of the two unknown men said.

"my name is jaemin and this is jaehyun." the man introduced them. he had light brown hair and looked very nice in donghyuck's opinion. the man next to him, jaehyun, didn't look so nice, he was more on the handsome side. his jet black hair was hidden under a cap.

"nice to meet you two." donghyuck said and bowed. he felt weird while doing so since usually he was the one getting bowed to.

"don't stress it, kiddo." jaehyun said. taeyong chuckled and gave jaehyun a curt nod. the latter and jaemin both went to the shooting stands and started training.

"now, we're obviously going to take you with us. but we would be pretty stupid to just hand you out if everything goes wrong. so mark here will teach you the most simple basics of martial arts and jaehyun might later show you at leqst how to hold a gun. we don't have a lot of time as we have to travel there and be on time but maybe it'll be enough for the basics." taeyong explained to donghyuck.

"you want him," donghyuck cocked his head towards mark, "to teach me how to defend myself? today?" he asked a bit dramatically.

taeyong nodded and said "yes. i'm pretty certain that our plan is going to work but if it isn't i would rather have you being able to save your life in there than being completely helpless."

donghyuck sighed in defeat. "fine. but why does it have to be him? why not you or jungwoo or one of these two?" he asked, pointing at jaehyun and jaemin who were currently practicing their shots.

"mark is excellent at martial arts, well he's basically excellent at everything. and you know him already so that's good as well." the leader told him.

donghyuck hummed. he trusted taeyong on his statement on mark. still he was very resentful towards mark since the other hadn't been the nicest person.

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