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— chapter thirteen: the darkness no one ever talks about —

[trigger warning: pretty graphic, blood, vomit, ptsd]

scared, donghyuck gripped his gun. the knuckles of his fingers were white by now but he didn't care. he heard loud shouting from outside followed by gun shots which made donghyuck flinch. his heart was beating about three hundred beats per second and he could feel his pulse in his carotid artery.

suddenly the door opened and a tall man looked into the car. donghyuck yelped as he saw that it was neither mark nor jaemin. unfortunately the yelp attracted the man's attention. he grinned and grabbed donghyuck by the arm.

"i have a gun." donghyuck warned but his voice was too weak as it sounded much like a threat. the tall man just chuckled and mumbled "how cute." he yanked donghyuck out of the car without caring much about his prisoner's well-being.

donghyuck tried to wiggle out the man's grip but unsuccessfully. he heard a scream from where the man was yanking him. it was jaemin's voice but he couldn't decipher its meaning.

suddenly he realised the position he was in. if he was lucky he could back-kick into the man's crotch area then free his arm and shoot. he took a deep breath, savouring his maybe last seconds of living, before doing what mark had taught him so many times.

he successfully kicked the man's crotch. his opponent groaned and let go of donghyuck for a second. due to him being smaller, donghyuck easily kicked back again, this time hitting the man's shin. now the other completely let go of donghyuck who finally freed his arms. he got a good grip of his gun and shot.

both the recoil and the loud sound made him flinch horribly but what was most scarring was to hear the man's loud scream. donghyuck looked down to see the man laying right in front of him. his body seemed fine until donghyuck spotted the wound at the man's leg. he gulped, feeling like he had to throw up.

"donghyuck, behind you!" mark's loud voice yelled. donghyuck quickly turned around and came right face to face to another man. without thinking donghyuck punched the man right at his jaw so that he tumbled backwards. mark came from somewhere from the side and gave the man another kick.

donghyuck heard a door slam and suddenly mark was pulling him to the man who donghyuck had shot. he seemed to have passed out but he was obviously still breathing with gave donghyuck a huge relief.

"we have to get him into our car. quickly! help me!" mark instructed. donghyuck frowned at the man's words as they didn't make much sense to him but did what he was told nonetheless. he and mark pulled the tall man into the back of the car. mark quickly went to the front while donghyuck stayed seated in the back next to the wounded.

jaemin started the car, swiftly turned it and then they were driving. donghyuck felt like passing out just like the man next to him. somewhere in the back of his mind he noted that jaemin was far over the speed limit but the strong smell of blood and sweat as well as everyone's heavy breathing pushed that thought back.

"donghyuck, are you alright?" jaemin asked.

"me?" donghyuck mumbled quietly but then replied in a louder voice "yeah, i'm fine. are you two okay as well?"
both jaemin and mark said yes. mark turned around on his seat to look at donghyuck.

"i know you're not going to like this but i need you to check his wound." he said whilst cocking his head into the wounded man's direction. donghyuck groaned but pulled up the man's pants. blood was leaking and slowly spreading over the car's seat. the sight made donghyuck feel sick.

"jaemin, please roll down the window." he requested. jaemin did and donghyuck threw up his lunch onto the street. after taking a few short breaths he brought his head back into the car and then looked at mark.

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