9 : ball

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Image Credit: https://weheartit.com/entry/317456860




I'm greeted with a scene I thought only existed in movies, specifically movies of the past. I'm thankful that Gabby provided me with this dress. I originally thought it was over-the-top. However, looking at everyone here, it might even be considered simple.

Felix walks in with me formally. He's wearing a suit, just as most men here are, but somehow the proximity and our arms linked are enough to make me giddy. We are announced as every couple has been, but his title turns heads. It's to be expected, but I decide that I'll never get used to the attention.

He upholds his stoic expression, and I try to be serious. However, the minute he leaves my side, it becomes increasingly hard. I'm not standing by myself for long when Carpenter joins me on the balcony. We watch the scene going on below us in comfortable silence. My eyes eventually track down my mate. I immediately feel a sense of sympathy for him, recalling his dislike of trivial conversation.

"He's not bad," Carpenter voices suddenly, following my gaze.

"How would you describe him?" I don't know where the boldness comes from, but it's not hard to talk to Carpenter with his easy-going demeanor and calm presence.

The brunette leans against the railing casually with his hands in his pockets. "Withdrawn. He hides behind a mask, a facade that we can hardly see through anymore."

His own family can't understand him? What would make someone want to do that? Family is a sore topic for me, at the least. From what I've seen, though, he has a good one. Why would he feel the need to distance himself?


"He'll have to tell you that himself, but I can give you my theory," He analyzes my stance for a moment before deciding to continue. "I think something is driving him away. He's always felt separate from others. I don't know why, though."

I think over this for a while, remembering the conversations I've had with Felix. Part of it comes from the things we talked about that night at the cabins. The rest are from things I've only seen snippets of or have yet to tap into. Though his reclusive nature comes from many things, the question of why he chooses to be distant remains. I know it's not black and white; it is complex. Though I am curious, I do not want to barge in and start pulling information from him, nor do I want to "fix" him. I just want to learn him in good time and comfort.

Eventually, Carpenter pardons himself and takes his leave. No doubt, his family requests his presence. I'm sad to see him go, honestly. Our similarities in character give me a strange sense of peace. It's just nice to know that there's someone else similar to you in a world that's so vastly different from what you've known your whole life.

"Hiding out here by yourself?" The Alpha King inquires, approaching me casually.

"Well, I... I wasn't-"

He chuckles, and I find myself smiling a little. His eyes trail down through the elite crowd. "You're probably the smart one," I glance at him curiously. "It's like a poker game down there. Quite exhausting, if I do say so myself."

I run my gloves across the marble of the railing. The material is just light enough that the coolness of the stone is tantalizing because I can sense it more than feel it. "I actually don't mind being alone."

"Yeah, you're my son's mate, alright," His laugh is genuine. "He doesn't enjoy these social events much either. Unfortunately for him, I think he got it from me."

Felix FracturedWhere stories live. Discover now