21 : detour

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Image credit: Unknown



The sun is just peeking over the horizon as we board the limousine. Felix sits beside me but, like usual, not much is said. He's dressed in his business suit. He looks impressively polished and I tear my eyes away to change the course of my thoughts.

The pull between us is steady now, even though we've mated. We're closer than ever: more comfortable with each other than anyone else, but there's still independence there. I think it's just part of both of our personalities to do things on our own separate accords.

I take his hand and he absentmindedly pats my hair while continuing to stare out the window. The bright lights of the city reflect off his eyes, giving them a cheerful glow, despite his serious expression. The buildings seem to never end as I glance out the window. I'm filled with an anxious desire to discover and explore the city and also a hidden hopefulness to spend some alone time with my mate. Honestly, we probably won't be getting much of that on this business trip, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for opportunities.

It will be a grand meeting, living up to its title. Every alpha family in the region has been requested to attend and is expected to come. The whole idea makes me nervous but Felix just seems cool and calm. He finds my hand and takes it in his own, sensing my nervousness. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. I knew we'd be going on this trip soon, but I didn't think it would be so sudden. My vision spins a little as the vehicle hits a vicariously placed drain.

He squeezes my arm and I glance over at him. His pretty dark eyes are focused on me and I feel even more nervous as butterflies resurrect in my stomach. 'Are you okay, Lex?'

'I'm not sure... How early is it again?'

His sparkling eyes seem to speak a language all their own. 'You can come over here if you want.'

I oblige, unbuckling the seatbelt and sliding next to him. He breathes in my scent and I lean shyly against his shoulder. 'You can rest.'

I glance at him curiously. I am sleepy but I want to be ready to help and if my mind is foggy from just waking up that might be problematic. 'Pretty eyes,' his voice is tender through mind-link and I want to melt with it. Instead, I focus on fastening my seatbelt. 'We still have a long way to go. Don't feel like you're obligated to stay awake.'

'You'll wake me up a few minutes before we arrive?'

'Not a moment later.' I nuzzle my nose against his neck and already feel better. Faintly, I sense him kiss my hair before my consciousness wanes.



It shocks me how well she can sleep in broad daylight. I begin to wonder if she got much sleep and then I'm reminded of recent events. Yeah, between the coronation and the events before it... I guess not.

The sun bounces off of her pale skin and I worry that she'll get burned somehow. The salt air reaches my nostrils and I know we're close. She, far away in her dreams, has no idea.

I ruffle her short hair as the tires scrape against the rocks leading to the estate. She sits up and yawns, rubbing her face. The driver comes to a stop in the circle and I step out. It's a pretty day and the gentle breeze is the only indication that autumn is drawing near.

Marcus, the driver, helps me move the luggage as we enter the beach house. I smile to myself as Alexia begins unpacking, completely on autopilot. Soon, she'll come to her senses.

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