10 : nocturnal glow

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Image Credit: https://twitter.com/iamagco/status/585034223691542529


He shuts the door behind us and I'm suddenly aware of how alone we are. Finally, we're away from prying eyes. The ball was beautiful and I had enjoyed myself more than I'd thought I would, but, for some reason, I just want some alone time with him.

I slide off my long gloves and watch as he shrugs off his suit. I bite my lip and try to refocus my attention. "Your family?" I inquire. Still curious as to why they didn't accompany us home like they usually do.

"They went to the cabins for the weekend. It's just you and me tonight, I guess." I vaguely remember Gabby saying something about that but his unnatural beauty is quickly becoming too much of a distraction.

I watch as he wrestles with his cuff links and shake my head before coming to his aid. I undo them easily with a small smile and drop them in his palm. He mutters a thanks but I take the initiative and kiss him gently but long. When I pull away, his eyebrows are raised in surprise.

"What?" I giggle. I can feel the heat rising in my face. It's what I'd wanted to do all night long. I'm just not someone who shows much affection around other people.

He shakes his head and his glove traces my chin as he leads me back to his lips. I smile into the kiss, running my fingers through the hair on the back of his neck. It's just as soft as I'd imagined.

We break apart once more but we don't move away. There's something different about tonight... there's a tension. His eyes seem to be expressing an emotion I have never seen before. Before I can decide if it's good or bad, I propel myself forward and kiss him once more and pull at his bottom lip before moving backwards.

I'm blushing furiously by now and I take a deep breath before looking back at him. I don't know why I was worried to begin with. He still has that same glint in his eyes but this time he also has an amused smirk. "Come back here."

I shake my head vigorously, but a smile betrays my actions. He approaches me slowly and I just watch him. I know he's faster than me and I'm not sure I want to avoid this. I don't know what I want.

In a few seconds, he has me pinned against the door. His lips meet mine and we kiss faster than we ever have. I struggle to keep up while my mind and heart race a mile a minute. The lack of oxygen seems to be affecting my judgement. I pull him closer to me and he suddenly lifts me up and pushes me harder against the door. I gasp and he chuckles darkly.

He deepens the kiss and I desperately try not to make a sound. I struggle to catch my breath when he leaves my lips for my chin and then my neck. I'm so incredibly dazed, I don't know what to do myself.

He holds me up with one hand while he brushes my hair out of the way. I let out something between a growl and a whine when he reaches the sensitive spot on my neck.

His lips are suddenly by my ear, "What is it that you want?"

Before I have the chance to respond, I yelp as he drops me in the center of the bed. How we got from one side of the room to here so fast, I will never know. He laughs at the mess before him and I glare at him but it's harmless as usual.

He doesn't ask again, but his eyes try to figure out the answer. "I don't know?" He shifts at my response, the serious persona returning. "It's-um," I stutter, trying to recover myself, "I've never felt this way before."

He nods and if he wasn't so serious, I imagine he would be glancing at me thoughtfully. "I'm not sure-I don't even know how-"

He hugs me and I quiet. I envision his wings encircling me, making me feel safe and warm. "Don't worry about that," Comes his response. It's strained and a few heartbeats pass before he speaks again. "I'm going to take a flight. I'll be back soon."

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