5: conflict

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Image credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/schloo/4727762021/in/faves-luvmmy/?reg=1&src=fave


The mid-afternoon sun shimmers through the trees. As the wind rustles the leaves, I can't help but be perturbed with how restless it is. This was not how I planned to spend my evening yet here I am. Sitting on the forest floor in the covering of the woods with a girl I barely know.

It was my mother's idea to spend time with Alexia. I'd like to say that I hate it, but then I guess I wouldn't be here. Maybe her prodding was the push I needed, but I'm not going to openly admit that. Your mate should be a comfortable place to land, so then why is it that things can jump from tranquil to turbulent in less than a second?

I've long since given up trying to figure out girls, I think poets and country songwriters have a better chance at that, rather it's the way I feel when I'm with her that puzzles me. Is it possible to love someone when you've trained yourself to push everyone away?

I want to get to know her so why do I keep fighting it? Why do I want to fight?

"Did you figure out the problem this morning?" Her voice, gentle as it is, startles me. We've been sitting in silence for so long, I was completely absorbed in my thoughts.

I nod in response.

"You seemed worried, I was just wondering." She'd noticed. Great. I either need to clamp down my feelings or be completely open with her. The issue at the border this morning had been sudden and I'd travelled with mom and dad as soon as I was able to change for the day. Thankfully, that was about as chaotic as it got. Leon and Colt were already there when we arrived, and there wasn't much to report. The perpetrators did not stick around if they know what's best for them. It is mildly alarming considering the problems the packs are facing right now, but at least the border hadn't been breached.

In short, Alexia is right. I was worried, but I'm always worried. I have to be. This is my pack and pretty soon I'll be king as well. Mom's allowing me to ease myself into that one, but it's inevitable. I hope she keeps hosting the tea parties and whatever, though, because there's no way I'm doing that shit.

"Have you been settling in well?" She nods and smiles. I avoid her gaze—her eyes are too beautiful—but it's a wasted effort because so is her smile. "Well, if there's anything you need be sure to let one of us know. Ah, watch out for my mom, though, she might go a little over the top."

She laughs and the shadows of the trees move with her. "I'm fine. Perfectly fine."

'Damn right she is.' My wolf comments.

'Oh shut up.'

Granger is something else. It's been his pleasure to mess with my head since... well, since forever, but now that she's here it's a free for all. I need to have him blocked whenever possible.

"Thank you for coming out here with me," She runs her gaze across the glimmering trees. "I know it isn't ideal."

My emotions burrow themselves, but she doesn't look up. "This is just going to be the way it is, I suppose."

"Sorry you don't understand me."

"Oh, I can understand you!" She's up now, her dark blue eyes darting around the scene like she can't decide what to focus on. She pauses, mid-step, and her voice reaches me again much lower in volume. "You just won't let me in."

"Maybe it's for the best," My tone is devoid of all emotion. She doesn't know she's already been granted access. The promise I'd made in secret is a secret.

Felix FracturedWhere stories live. Discover now