20 : coronation

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***content warning: trauma***
I'll leave a note and section off the area so those that wish to skip it can avoid it easily.


I glance at myself once more in the mirror. I've done my makeup myself: a light bit of eyeliner and some complimenting mascara. My lipstick is pale pink in color, matching my rosy cheeks. It's not too noticeable, yet effective. I try to smile at myself, but it's just weird. I'm in no way ready for this, but here it goes.

My hair is pinned in an updo modestly. The white dress I'm wearing fits me well but isn't too flashy. It's all just how I wanted it to be—my version of elegant.

I do a double take upon realizing that I look more like a bride than someone who's getting appointed as queen. I shake my head at my reflection, reminding myself that it's tradition for the Alpha Queen to wear white for this ceremony. I may be becoming queen, but I'm still only dating him.

My white high heels click on the hardwood flooring as I trace his scent to his room. I pause at the door, wondering if there's some unspoken code about not seeing each other before the ceremony? Nah, my mind is just taking this way out of context.

The door swings open before I can knock and Felix rushes me in, pushing the cuff links into my palms. "Glad you came, Lex. I think these are broken."

I giggle at him as I analyze the links. "They're fine. You just don't know how to put them on."

"I do-"

"Save your voice, dark." I mutter as I finish one and move on to the other. "How did you manage to bend this?" I ask, mostly to myself, with a laugh. Then force the silver accessory to fit in the opening.

As I pull away, I double check my work, and grab the tie from the end of his bed. He doesn't protest as I fasten it. I'm aware of his eyes following my movements, but I manage to keep myself focused. "Didn't you go to classes or something for this?"

He shrugs in response and I press my lips to his briefly. "Well, you're going to have to learn, even if I teach you, because it's just a life skill." I'm about to turn away, but he brings me close once more. "It's so much better when you do it."

"Nice try," I fake lunging for the tie and he dodges.

"Lexi, you look..." he breaks off when I meet his chocolate brown eyes. So much has happened in the last forty-eight hours. So much emotion... so much adoration reaches me through those eyes. The daylight from the window behind me gives off enough light for me to see myself clearly in his gaze–my expression mirrors his.

'Okay, star crossed lovers. We need you downstairs in five.' Scout closes the mind-link she sent to us immediately after she sends it.

I blush even though she can't see me. He taps my nose and I watch him curiously. "I have something for you," He rifles through a drawer before returning to me, box in hand. "I'm not that good at gifts but-" He hands me the box and doesn't finish his sentence.

I embrace the curiosity and open the box immediately. It's a simple pearl necklace with a bejeweled shell in the center. I beam up at him and the corners of his mouth curve slightly.

He helps me put it on and explains, "I intended to give it to you on your birthday, but I don't know when... when we'll have another event like this."

I take his hands in mine. "You didn't have to get me anything, but I love it. Thank you."



I curse under my breath as I enter the palace. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I hate dresses and even more, I hate heels. Needless to say, I tried to get out of looking formal for this occasion. Unfortunately for me, with both my mom and aunt ganging up on me there wasn't much I could do. I swore my induction ceremony would be the last time I'd wear a dress... ugh.

Felix FracturedWhere stories live. Discover now