Chapter 21

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He quickly grabbed Yubin and punched his face. "How dare you touch him." His voice was baritone and firm. He kicked him again.

"I had enough of you fantasizing my boyfriend. You really don't know your place hmm?"

Xiao Zhan immediately went to hide behind Yibo's back. He was sobbing so bad, clinging on Yibo's shirt.

"Trying to cover the art I made on his body? Are you fucking crazy? Mine will always be better than yours. Bastard. Take the hint." He looked over at Xiao Zhan's neck and low down the cloth.

Yubin coughed a blood as he stared at Xiao Zhan and Yibo with confusion in his eyes. As if he just woke up and had no idea about what just happened. He was about to cry, his innocent face came back. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I have to take care of this!"

He seems surprised of what he did and didn't know how to respond with the situation so he run away for his life without even turning back.

Xiao Zhan looked at Yubin with concern, he was about to follow him when Yibo grabbed his wrist. "Are you gonna follow him right after what he did to you?"

It's as if Xiao Zhan got slapped by the reality. He breakdown and started to sob loudly. Wang Yibo had to cover him when a lot of employees passed by.

"Zhan. I'm so pissed that I could kill anyone right now." He massaged his temples and sighed.

A young employee commented, "Is that Wang Yibo?"

"Wang Yibo? The one who retired?"

"Mn! That looks like him!"

"Yeah. Exactly! But let's leave though, it's rude to intrude them."

He heard their conversation and eyed them through his peripheral vision. He's thankful that at a time like this he met understanding people with great consideration although knowing that Wang Yibo was indeed popular even though he quited on the industry.

He hugged Xiao Zhan tightly and caressed his hair with gentle strokes. "There. There." He sighed, "Ah, Xiao Zhan. What am I going to do with you? Should I just lock you up on my house?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Shhh. Take it easy. You're too good for his sake do you understand that? Look at you. Despite of what he did to you, you still see him as your friend. I don't blame you though. I have no single idea about your friendship."

Xiao Zhan just remained sobbing on his chest, "He said something that I didn't understand. He was suffering."

The man looked up to him with watery eyes. "I heard. You might get angry at me but I was outside of your company the whole time. I trusted my instincts because it's telling me something bad will happen. I didn't knew it'd be this worse."

"I'm sorry." he remained his head down low and keeps on apologising although he was the victim.

"Stop crying. Do you want to go home?"

"What about Yubin?" Xiao Zhan looked at him. His eyes were all red from crying.

"He'll be alright." Yibo said. Xiao Zhan gave up and nodded hid head. Upon from exiting the company Yibo had to hugged him sideways the whole time in order to hide his face. Many people are staring at them but Wang Yibo has no time to give a fuck about them.

He's pissed, mad and angry. He's angry of how Yubin innocently reacted after he harassed Xiao Zhan. As if the man was slapped by the reality. Was he on drugs? His eyes were red back there or maybe because he cried. Yibo sighed internally. What a troublesome.

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