Ver English Ep 18

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It was already eleven o'clock at night, but the frenetic commotion in Seoul never ended. Under the moonlight, creatures of various kinds roam around looking for their respective aims, don't be surprised if you will find several Vampires at times like this.

"You are too presumptuous to touch it, stupid human! "

There was a crowd in one corner of Seoul with two figures at the center. The humans who were around the place were silent while looking at the beautiful scenery that was presented before them, two creatures of different types who were very beautiful.

One of them should have screamed hysterically, remembering a man with a nearly broken neck falling down before both of them, but none of them intend to do it.

The man is a street thug, anyone knows that. However, that was not the reason why none of them intended to help him, but because the humans prefer to be able to stare at the two figures longer.

A flawless flawless creature with beautiful, dangling burgundy hair, and a sturdy, Viridian-eyed man next to him. Anyone who was there would be jealous of that figure, the person they were unaware of was a Vampire.

"You're too rude, Juyeonie," Jihyo said softly, warning that her unchanging voice - still sounding like a bell - made her the center of attention again.

"But he intends to touch you, I will not let any human touch Eomma with their dirty hands," said the man called Juyeon in such a piercing tone.


The night wind blew pretty hard blowing the strands of hair of the creatures that were in that place, the look of astonishment and surprise could not be separated from the faces of humans who swarmed both of them.

Mom? The man clearly called the woman Mother. So are they mother and daughter? Impossible!

Most of them did not deny that Jihyo and Juyeon looked like lovers, even so some observant eyes who see the similarity between them refute this notion and choose to think that the two are a pair of brothers with a minor age link.

They did not know that the charming figure before them was now a Vampire, and the growth of Vampires - especially Kim - was very different from humans..

Kim Younghoon and Kim Juyeon a pair of twin Vampire, a teenage Vampire who is around seventeen, it clearly radiated from his face. Are you Jihyo? Who would have thought that the Vampire woman who still looked young was already in her thirties?

Not only Jihyo, all of Vampire Kim also experienced the same thing. Although their age will continue to grow, their physical growth will cease in their seventies to twenties. No wonder the humans are amazed by Jihyo's status, who is Juyeon's mother.

Yes, Kim Jihyo, is the biological mother of a handsome young man who is now standing next to him, Kim Juyeon. Teens who can be said to be almost 'twins' or duplicates with the Appa Taehyung, with eye-catching Viridian eyes, white skin like porcelain, and her dark blue hair. Very few similarities can be found between Jihyo and Juyeon, however, that does not mean that the resemblance is completely absent.

In contrast to his twin who is more inclined to Jihyo but still his stature like Taehyung. The difference is that Kim Younghoon is softer and merciful unlike Juyeon who is too blunt.

"We better get back soon, Tae Oppa will be angry if we go home late," Jihyo asked gently, the woman then pulled her son's wrist away from the crowd.

"I don't want to go back, I don't want to meet Appa and Younghoon, "Juyeon said in a flat tone, even so he still followed Jihyo's figure.

"We have to go back, Juyeonie, "Jihyo said half forcefully.

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