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"T-That's my Ultimate!" I Said. Byakuya looked at me, "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. After that Monokuma came in, "Found your Ultimate so fast? Now you know the truth....puhuhuhuhu..." He said and left.

"So I'm good at using a gun-" I said. Byakuya looked me weird. "Well I'm just happy that you found your ultimate." He said. I gave his hand a tight squeeze from excitement, but I didn't let that stop anything. I wonder if he'll still see me the same.

It was silent for a good two minutes, "Hey, uh, please don't let my Ultimate make you see me different.. " I said to Byakuya. "(Y/N), WHAT makes you think that I will see you different. I only see you a tiny bit more different but in a good way, you're more badass than I thought you were. " He said. I was relieved. I let out a sigh then a laugh after. "I was scared! " I said to him. He smiled. After that we left the café.

"HAS anyone ever obsessed over you?" You asked him. He stopped and went wide eyed. "Let's not...talk about it.." he said. "Oh? " I asked. "Let's just say she was a serial killer on one side and a stink ball on the other..." He answered. I was confused. "She's gone to another mate, now." He added. "oh okay, well good for her and you. You both get your happy ending." You said. He looked at you and smiled. You gave a smile back.

You went for your everyday library sesh.

While you were reading, Ibuki bardged in and said, "HELLLLOOOOOOO! It's iiibukiiiii! Ibuki is hosting a party! Party for everyone to celebrate! There will be food and dancing! Please come, or we will suspect you as in for a murderer!!!!!!" She said, "It will be at 7:00 o'clock at the abandoned building next to the hotel!!!" She added then left.

Me and Byakuya looked at each other, "If we don't go, they will suspect us as murderers. If we do, we are not dancing ." I said. "You were reading my mind. But why would you not dance?" He asked. "I'm a bad dancer." I answered. He nodded and we both finished our books then went to our cottages to get ready.

I got on a black and yellow flowy skirt. With a black crop tank top. I put my hair down and put on my white sneakers with stickers on them.

I went to Byakuya's cottage and knocked on his door. He answered and went wide eyed. "Hey! I don't want other people looking at you! " He said. "Sorry! I can't help it that I have such a good fashion sense." I said sarcastically. "Mhm." He said. "You're looking quite handsome yourself!" I added. He was wearing a black tux. "Tch...please I always look this good." He said giggling. "Show off" I smirked. He took my hand and off we went.

We arrived at the party, but let go of our hands. We weren't ready to tell people we were in a relationship, yet. I gave him a sad face. "We will tell them soon." He said. "Okay.." I said back. We went in. Everyone was already there.

" There you guys are! Man, you guys have been so attached to each other. I wouldn't be surprised if you were dating!" Nagito said. I turned red and ran to Hajime and Akane. Byakuya was alone because he never really made friends. He never had the time. Only time for me.

We kept glancing at each other, so I told everyone that I'd be back. "Okay!" Hajime said. I went over to him, "You have no friends, do you?" I asked him. "I don't need friends." He answered. "Well you have me right?" I said . "Come on. Let me introduce you to my friends." I added. He sighed and I took his hand and dragged him to my friend group.

"Hey guys! This is Byakuya Togami. Byakuya this is Hajime, Nagito, Gundham, Kazuichi and Akane. Chiaki is just grabbing some food for Akane." I said. "Yeah and she better be quick!" Akane said. "Hi, Byakuya!" She added. "Hey!" Said Hajime. "Hello, mortal." Gundham says while feeding his hamsters. "Hi, there! How do you afford those kinds of clothes?" Kazuichi asks. "Really, Kaz? I say. "What?! He says. "Hey!" Nagito said with a smile. "Oh, hi!" Says Chiaki while yawning.

"Uh, hi. Nice to meet you." Byakuya says. I smiled at him with excitement. He gave me a warm, trusted smile.

After a while of my friends getting to know my friend *wink wink* , the lights went out. "AHHHH IM SCARED OF THE DARK! GUNDHAM, HUG ME!" Yelled unknown. Everyone was screaming, while Byakuya was holding me tight, like he was protecting me. Then it happened.

Nekomaru was getting killed under the table. Nagito planned everything but he wasn't the murderer, Teruteru was. He killed Nekomaru with a a big pointy metal stick. And this was all happening now.

"B-Byakuya-" I said tripping on my words. "Yes?" He asked, I'm guessing he looked down at me. "Nekomaru is dead..."

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now