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Me and Byakuya got out of bed o get dressed. I got dressed in one of Byakuya's white shirts with some black leggings. I also added a dark green scrunchie on my wrist because it reminded me of him. I got on some black van shoes and waited for Byakuya on the couch.

I'd just like to advise you to say that, yes I did certainly by a dark green, velvet scrunchie the other day in honor of our king. I wore it on my wrist everyday since the day I got it xD. I know I'm weird but ya girl love Byakuya with all of her brain and heart and my friends say I have an obsession-
Help XP

Byakuya got dressed in one of his suits. It was black like the one when I first noticed him. He combed his a bit and then offered me his hand. I took it and got up. Then we both walked out the cottage.

After we walked around a bit we heard an announcement go off. "Ahem, would all of the Hopes Peak Academy students please go to the
Funhouse train immediately."

Huh? The Funhouse train? Byakuya and I shrugged and started walking.

We got to the island. We stopped to take a breath. After a minute or two we continued walking.

We made it to the funhouse and everyone else was there. "What are we doing here?" Hajime asked. "Get on the train and have fun!" Monokuma said. I don't trust this. I really don't. Everyone was getting on and having fun while me and Byakuya were suspicious.

"Listen bear, what is this?" I asked. "Oh, it's simply a retreat." He replied. I walked up to him and kneeled. I grabbed his arm and said, "Listen, I'm not going to hurt you but I'll tell you this, Im not getting on that train. It's already suspicious enough that you all wanted us here." I said. "Shut up and get on the train...." He said. "I won't. " I replied. Just then a huge hand picked me and Byakuya up and plopped us in the train.

I smelt something weird, "Everyone cover your mouth and nose!" I yelled. Everyone did. It worked for a good few minutes but the monokuma stopped the train and sprayed more of that stuff. Everyone was coughing. They eventually started passing out. Then I saw Byakuya pass out. I shook him. "B-Byakuya-" I said trying to speak. For some reason I wasn't passing out.

The gas stuff stopped. I heard footsteps coming up from behind the train. Monokumas started lifting everyone up. One tried to pick up Byakuya but I pulled him away. He gasped and called on someone. Just then the monokuma that we see all the time showed up.

"Well, well, welll...I see...you didn't pass out. Well, may you help with the bodies? " He asked. "Where are you taking them?" I asked. "oh, to a strawberry house. It's crazy I know. It's my motive." He answered. "Then no, I won't help you." I said still gripping onto Byakuya.

"I see well, boys, take the bodies one by one, and I'll take this one back to the cottages." He said. "No!" I said struggling to get out of his grip. I couldn't kick him or else he would kill me. "You can kick me if you want, but it would make Byakuya happy." He said. I gave up and just let him carry me. "I know...so I won't. Just please don't hurt anybody. Please?" I asked kindly. "Oh so you're participating. Okay, I won't hurt them, I'll just trap them in the strawberry and grape house with no food until somebody kills a person. Then I'll let them go." He replied. I sighed. "Why would you do that? Just at least give them some food. Please?" I asked. He giggled. "Nope." "Ugh..." I said. "But I don't want anyone to die!" I whined. "Let me correct you, you don't want Byakuya to die. Right?" He said. I rolled my eyes.

He dropped me off at my cottage. "I'll recall now staying at Byakuya's cottage." I said pouting. "Ugh..." He said. He carried me and took me to Byakuya's cottage. He dropped me.

"There will be a TV at the café To show what's they're doing. At nighttime, your TV will play. So you can cheer you little, high school boyfriend on, okay?" He said rolling his eyes. "Wait!..." I said. "Ugh...what!" I complained. "Can you just tell everyone I'm okay...so they don't have to have another weight on their shoulders?" I asked. "I don't know why I'm doing this for the student I hate most, but I will. Now quit asking for stuff you ungrateful toad." He answered walking away and disappearing. I ran to the café and watched the TV. They were all starting to wake up in a room full of strawberries. Me and Byakuya's favorite. The room was all pink and red and white. It makes me dizzy.

Finally Byakuya woke up. I was relieved to know that he was alright. But he's just not safe.

He looked around like he was looking for something or someone. Then, Monokuma came in.

- Byakuya's POV. -
I woke up with my head in pain. Did I get drunk again? No. I didn't . I got up to a room full of pink, red and white. Strawberries were moving on the walls like it was on a projector or something. Whatever it was it made me dizzy. Strawberries are (Y/N) and I's favorite. Speaking of her, where is she?

I looked all around the room to see her not here. Just then Monokuma showed up. "Helllloooo! You are now going to have to face the fact that you're trapped here with no food!" He said. "NO FOOD?!!?!" Akane screamed. "You heard me." He exclaimed. "This is the forth motive. In order to get out of here, you have to kill. Or else you all die!" He said. "W-where's (Y/N)?!" I asked. "Oh, right...." He said sighing and rolling his eyes. "She didn't pass out from the gas...so I carried her to the cottages. She's watching you right now on the TV in the café. So she's safe. She watches everyone at night too. She is watching every single move you do. I'll even show you!" He said. At that moment he pulled out a TV and turned it on. (Y/N) was on the TV screen looking at a TV at the café. She looked worried as hell. I could tell she was scared. That nightmare she had....I don't want to see her like this.

   "How didn't she pass out?" Kazuichi asked. "I don't know...it was very powerful too....I didn't like trying to get her out. She was gripping on Byakuya so it was hard. Hhhhh, I got her though. " She was....trying to protect me? While I was passed out? "Can she hear us?" I asked. "Yup, and you can hear her. There will be TVs in every main area of the two buildings. So, you better get to investigating!" He said. "I'm not investigating, I'll go to my room. " I said. "Well...have fun starving and dieing without (Y/N)..." He said walking away and disappearing.

     I didn't want to die without her. I couldn't. I just couldn't.

   I walked to a room in the strawberry house. The room was a deluxe. I locked the door and sat on the bed. I investigated the room a bit. I guess I could look around a bit. I got up and left the room.

Time skip after he investigated the buildings because I'm lazy af.

  After investigating, I went to the main area of the strawberry house and went up to the TV. I looked at a monitor and asked, "(Y/N), is it night?" She looked at the monitor up on the ceiling of the bathroom and nodded. She was brushing her teeth. I giggled. "Okay, love you, Goodnight. And...stay safe..." I said. She was done brushing her teeth and said, "You be safe! Please..." She said. I smiled, "Okay. I will." I told her. She smiled. Then I waved goodbye and went to the deluxe room I was in earlier.

  I locked the door and took my shoes off, and then plopped on my bed. I closed my eyes then went to sleep. 

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now