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I woke up with Byakuya next to me. I got scared. But then I remembered that I slept over at his cottage. I kissed his cheek and got up and went to the bathroom. I hope he doesn't mind, but I got a shower there. I get one every morning so-

I got my everyday outfit on, ( baggy ripped jeans and black crop top with white and black sneakers) and got out of the bathroom. He was still sleeping. I was scared because I thought he was dead. But I checked and he was fine. I picked out a book on his bookshelf and sat on a chair next to the bed.

After a while, he finally woke up. "Hello, there sleepyhead." I said looking up from the book I was reading. He looked at me and he looked so cute. "You're cute when you're tired." I said. He laughed while he was blushing. He got up and stretched. He grabbed his glasses and put them on. His hair was all over the place.

He walked over to his closet and grabbed his everyday clothes. He walked to the bathroom. I looked down at my book.

After about 15 minutes, he got out of the bathroom. He walked over to me and said, "That's my favorite book.." "Really?! It's mine, too." I answered. He smirked and I closed to book. I got up and tightened his tie. "So what's on our menu today?" I asked as I patted his shoulders. "Coffee and waffles. You?" He asked. "Coffee and waffles." I replied. I smiled at him and turned around. I brushed my hair one last time, took his hand, and off we went

When we arrived at the café, everyone looked depressed. "Why so sad, everybody?" I asked. "Two people are gone..." Peko replied. "One person always assumed you were taking a shit and the other was a pervert. It was meant to be." I said. "Well still. And how did you even figure it out?" Mahiro asked. "I just had a gut feeling is all." I replied while walking into the kitchen. "Because of you Teruteru's delicious food is gone!" Says Akane . "Because of (Y/N) We are all still alive. You should at least thank her." Byakuya said making coffee. Everyone went silent and sat down.

After we made out breakfast, we sat at a table. Sonia ran over to us and asked, "How come you guys are always together?" "Because we're friends." I lied. "Oh. Well okay. I just saw you both come out of the same cottage. Are you guys close?" She asked. "Yes. Very." Byakuya answered. "Ohhh okay, I'm sorry for disturbing you !" She said. "It's fine, Sonia." I smiled at her. She smiled back and waved goodbye. "That was close." I whispered to Byakuya.

After we ate, we left the café and went to the abandoned building. The one where Nekomaru was killed at. You see, after the trial, Nagito got hella crazy. He was saying shit about hope. Like, really, Nagito? It was my turn to feed him. Byakuya came with.

We went in the room he was in and I couldn't help but laugh. "Wow Nagito they really did tie you up like a dog." I said to him as I fed him some blueberries and raspberries. I could tell that Byakuya was getting jealous but he was trying to hide it.

" Yeah, and all because I was trying to lighten the mood with hope. Hope is what is important at the moment." He said while taking a bite. "You're right. I don't see why that they think otherwise." I replied. "You get it. You're full of hope. You are really something special. " He said while eating a blueberry. "Thanks?" I said. "You're welcome, sweetheart." He said. Byakuya was getting mad.

"Nagito, please don't call me sweetheart. " I said. "Oh okay. Hey, (Y/N) Are you single?" He asked. "Nagito, as much as I like you as a friend, I don't have an interest in you. I'm sure you'll find someone else." I said. Byakuya was a bit relieved. He wasn't as mad. "Aww...but you're the prettiest hereeee..." He said eating a raspberry. "Nagito, I appreciate your compliment, but really I don't have the same feelings for you. You're my friend. " I told him. His face got sad. "Don't be sad , Nagito." I said to him. I gave him a hug for comfort. "That felt nice. " He said. "If only I could hug you back." He added. "I meant that only as a friend, okay?" I said. As I got up while feeding him the last blueberry. "Okay. Hey, Byakuya, I bet you like her. She's really pretty. You guys always seem to hangout. You guys are cute." He said with a smile. "Well, bye, Nagito!" I said while leaving.

"That was torture." Byakuya said while we left the abandoned building. "Tell me about it." I said. "He's right though. You are the prettiest here." He added. I blushed. "Oh please." I said. "It's true." He said. I put the containers of the raspberries and blueberries in the garbage. It was almost 4 so we decided to start walking to the library.

"I guess we are cute together." I said to Byakuya. "I agree." He said back. I held his hand, but what I didn't notice is that Fuyuhiko was behind us. He walked closer to us. "Hey, lovebirds. Do that somewhere else." He said walking past us. "Uh-" I said. "Tch..." Byakuya said. "It's no use, let's just keep holding our hands until everyone knows." He added. "You sure?" I asked. He nodded. Then we arrived at the library.

When we went in the library, Sonia was there too. Me and Byakuya looked at each other but still held each other's hands. We went over to a bookshelf and picked the book we agreed to read together. We sat down at our usual table, and opened our books. Sonia kept looking over at Byakuya and trying to get his attention by bending down and playing with her hair. She kept fake laughing at a book that was about murder, and she even pretended to be interested in a book that Byakuya read before. I looked at her then Byakuya. Byakuya kept rolling his eyes.

She walked over to us and asked, "Byakuya, what's your favorite book?" He looked up front the book he was reading and asked, "Why does it matter?" Yeah you tell 'em! " I just want to get to know you, is all. Want to be friends?" She asked. "And why do you want to be friends?" He fired back. " Well, I noticed how handsome you were. I just want to know you a little." She said while twirling her hair. I tried to hold in a laugh, so I got up and went over to a bookshelf. I started to laugh trying to be quiet. Byakuya looked over and smiled. I ran up the stairs to the second floor and started to laugh even louder. Byakuya heard me and started to giggle as well a bit.

" So what do you say? After all of this, we could rule together!" Sonia said. "I'm sorry, but I'm really not interested. I'm in a relationship." He said. I laughed even louder because I looked down and saw Sonia's face. I was laughing so hard that tears were running down my eyes. I never saw Byakuya reject someone, but it was halirious. She looked up at me with a mad face and left the library.

"Your laugh is very loud but contagious." Byakuya said giggling a little. "It's....*laugh*...so funny when you...*giggle*....reject someone! Her face was priceless!" I said walking down the stairs. We decided not to finish the book because we were in a giggle mood and we couldn't concentrate. "She just gave me a I-will-kill-you look." I said giggling. Byakuya rolled his eyes while smiling and held my hands and pulled me in for a kiss. His lips were warm and soft like always. We pulled away and continued walking.

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now