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"W-w-what?!?!" He said freaking out.
"I just had a-" the lights turned back on. I ran under the table. I lifted up the table cloth and there he was. "Oh.my.god." I said.

Everyone looked over. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" yelled everyone. Byakuya was just standing there looking at me, then the body.

"A body has been discovered! You may now start your investigation! After a matter of time, a class trial will start. So get to it!" The body discovery announcement went off.

"A class trial?" Asked Mikan. "A class trial isn't needed..." I mumbled. "Huh?" Asked Fuyuhiko. "I said a class trial isn't needed." I looked at him. "What do you mean? Of course it is! We'll die! We didn't even start investigating!" He said yelling at me. "Well you're gonna have to trust me..." I said. "WHAT DO YOU MEA-" I Cut him off. "Oh Monokumaaaa!" I yelled looking for him. He popped up. "Yess? You called?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, do you think we could start the class trial now?" I asked him. "What do you mean you didn't even investi- ahhhh yup, okay, I forgot..." He sighed looking disappointed. I smiled at him.
He left then an announcement came on.

" *Sigh*, the class trial is about to begin, go to the monokuma rocks and let's get started." He said fast. Then it turned off. Everyone looked at me. "Are you trying to kill us?" Said Teruteru. I giggled. Then grabbed his scarf-tie. "The only person who is going to get killed is you." I said. I smiled at him. Byakuya looked at me with confusion , then he got it. He walked up to me and we linked arms. I was surprised because I thought we weren't going to say anything about our relationship.

"Smarty pants." He said while walking with me to the monokuma rocks. Everyone followed with confusion on their faces. They were whispering about me. I rolled my eyes. We arrived at the monokuma rocks, and a big escalater came down. Ibuki cheered with excitement. "YAYY!" She yelled. We all hopped on and we were sent to an elevator. We stepped in and went down deep into the ground.

Byakuya whispered to me, "During this class trial, will you tell everyone about how you figured it out, or act like a smart ass." "Act like a smart ass." I answered. He laughed and said, "That's my girl." I blushed and I was really red. Like I was a tomato. He looked at me , "Aw, are you blushing?" He babied me. "Shut up." I said lightly hitting his arm.

We finally arrived in the court room. It was like red cushions were glued onto the wall. There were 17 seats for everyone. Well, Nekomaru us dead...so. Monokuma was sitting in a throne while Monomi was tied up and hanging from the ceiling.

"Alright, listen you little bastards. These are the rules. You will argue on who you think is the blackened. If you choose the right answer, only the blackened will be punished. But if you choose the dreadfully wrong one, everyone besides the blackened will be punished and the blackened will be able to graduate and go home. Now, is that clear? Okay then, let's start!" He finished.

"Well, because of (Y/N), we didn't get any clues on who the blackened is." Mahiro said. "Well, because of me, I figured out who the killer was." I added. "Pfft, like a worthless, ugly skank whore like you knows who the killer is!" Hiyoko said. " I do." I said. Hiyoko started laughing, "You bitch didn't even fucking touch his body!" She said. "It was Teruteru. Nagito was actually planning on all of this, but Teruteru knew his plan. Teruteru was trying to do a good deed and kill Nagito but, uh, he missed and got Nekomaru instead." I said. Byakuya smirked at me.

"WHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT?!" Said Teruteru. "It's true." "HUH?! NOOOOOOOOO I PROMISE!" He said while making an accent. "You make an accent when you are lying." Byakuya pointed out. "NON! JE SUIS PAS UN TUEUR!" He screamed. Byakuya stood up straighter because he loves french. "Yes, You are." He said. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He screamed again. I rolled my eyes, "Monokuma please give us the voting slots." I said. "Okie dokie!" He said. Then we all received voting slots.

We all voted for Teruteru. After we voted, we were correct. Everyone was happy. "Well that was easy." Byakuya said to me. "Yes it was." I said back.

"ITSSSSSS PUNISHMENT TIMEEEEEEEEE!!" Monokuma yelled with excitement. Teruteru was grabbed by a rope and got dropped off at a beach. Then a crane thing picked him up and...*giggle*....got deep fried. BHAHAHHAHAHA. Everyone was scared but relieved. He was kind of a pervert....

It was all over and we all walked back to our cottages. "I think I'm going to get some sleep." I told Byakuya. "Okay, goodnight!" He said walking back to his cottage. "Bye! Goodnight!" I said waving to him. I walked into my cottage and plopped on my bed. But the thing is, I didn't feel safe at my own cottage. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my pj's, then left my cottage.

I knocked on his door. He answered, "Oh, hi (Y/N) . " Byakuya said. It looked like he was in the middle of taking his tux off. His shirt was unbottoned. "Hi! You see, I kinda don't feel safe at my own cottage. May I please stay over here for the night?" I asked. His face went blank, "Sure. If it makes you feel safer." He said. My smile got bigger. I went in and I went in his bathroom. I got my red and black plad pajama pants and a white crop tank top on. It was the comfiest thing I had.

I got out and Byakuya was already on the bed with his pajamas on. He was reading a book. It was called How to Make a Girl Feel Special. I chuckled, "Do you really need that book?" I asked. He looked up at me. "Well, I mean I've never been in a relationship before.." he said. "Well you don't need it. You make me feel like the luckiest and most special girl in the world. Don't let a book tell you different." I said as I crawled next to him in the bed. "I guess you're right." He said all proud. He closed the book and placed it on the nightstand next to him. We both yawned and he turned the lamp off. He layed on his side. Our backs were facing each other. I wanted to snuggled, so I turned around and snuggled up next to him.

He looked back at me and he layed down on his back. I snuggled him even tighter and he snuggled back. Hehe.

Yo wassup! Ha, you got fooled you horny teenagers'. No smut here, bitches! It's just a fluff and nothing else. So what if they're sleeping in the same bed? Honestly, I can't imagine Byakuya doing that horny teenager stuff xD. It's just weird to think about. Ew. Well anyway please enjoy this story! I hope you are enjoying it so far and please vote hehe. Thank you, children! (I call everyone children but maybe that can be my fandom name. :) )

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now