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Me and Byakuya decided to check up on Nagito. Even though we didn't want to anymore, we wanted to hear if he'll say anything about Hajime.

   When we arrived at the abandoned building, we walked into his room. He was swaying right to left as he sand the same song he was singing yesterday.

   "Hi, Nagito!" I said while opening the closing the door. He looked disappointed, "Where's my little Hajime boo?" He asked. "We decided to drop by for a little visit. How are you?" I asked. "I'm amazing! You?" He asked. "I'm great." I answered. Nagito looked up at Byakuya, "I'm great, too. Thanks." He said. Nagito giggled , " you guys are so adorable together! Now where's Hajime?!" He asked. Then at that moment, Hajime came in and said, "Oh hunny boo, in bac-" he stopped when he saw us. I got up and I held Byakuya's hand. "Bye you two..." I said as I walked out.

    Me and Byakuya went to the café. Everyone was there. I stopped looked at everyone and said, "Wait! Why the hell is Nagito still tied up? Wasn't he out of the chains at the class trial?" Everyone looked up, "I tried him back up!" Akane said with a smile. "Why?!" I asked. "Isn't he crazy?" She asked. I ran back to the abandoned building and went into the room. Oop. Wrong time. Hajime and Nagito were kissing.

   "Heyyy guys-" I said. They stopped and looked at me. They were red. Hajime got up and tried to explain. "No time for apologizing!" I said. I went over to Nagito and untied him. Nagito got up and looked at me. Then he hugged me. "Oh! Um...you're welcome, buddy!" I said. He thanked me a lot and then he hugged Hajime. After that they kissed. Me and Byakuya thought it was best to leave...

    Me and Byakuya just roamed around a bit. Talking and laughing, holding each other's hand. It was nice.

   After a while, me and Byakuya were hungry and so we went to the café. When we arrived there, many people were there also. Me and Byakuya made coffee. There were microwave meals, but Byakuya DESPISES those. So I didn't even bother to touch them.

   We just decided to eat watermelon with cherries and blackberries. We like the fruit :)

    After a while, Monokuma came in and told us about this Despair Disease. After he told us that, Nagito caught it and Mikan took him to the hospital. Ibuki also went as well.

  Me and Byakuya were told to check up on Nagito and Ibuki at night, so I just decided to stay over there for the night.

   When Byakuya and I made it to the hospital, we just chilled on the couch. We didn't have much to do so we kept doing our usual Q&A. "When's your birthday?" I asked him. "Oh, uh, May 5th. You?" He asked. "(Y/B)" I answered. I plopped my legs over Byakuya's lap and took a little nap. He fell asleep right next to me all curled up .

     We both woke up at the same time. I was somehow on top of Byakuya and he was holding my knee. My hand was also holding his face. We both blushed. "How did this happen?" I asked him. "Uh, I don't know." He answered with a tone of confusion. We both got up and rubbed or eyes then stretched. Mikan came by.

   "Oh hi, you two! You guys slept for a whole day and through all night. You guys had a good rest!" She said. "We slept for that long?!" I yelled. Even Byakuya was even more confused. But that isn't important right now. I looked at Milan and I got chills up my spine. I just got a bad feeling that she was up to no good.

    "Mikan, How is Nagito and Ibuki? " Byakuya asked her. "Hajime told me he would take care of him and Ibuki is fine..." She said with a worried facial expression. I raised my eyebrow. She was definitely up to something. "Well, I'm just going to go now. Bye!" She said while she ran out the door.

   "Mikan is up to something and it's on the tip of my tongue. Can we go visit Ibuki?" I asked Byakuya. "Sure, if you'd like." He said taking my hand.

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now