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Me and Byakuya just stayed in the same position. I loved it. Hehe. I placed my hand on Byakuya's cheek. He was warm. "Your touch gives me butterflies in my stomach." He said. "Your whole body just gives me butterflies." I told him. He giggled at that.

    Byakuya then flipped over and stood up. He offered his hand to help me up. I took his hand and stood up in front of him. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we just stood like that. Honestly, it was kind of awkward but at the same time it wasn't. I don't know. It was a weird feeling. He lifted my chin up to him and he kissed me. Ah. This was all of sudden but uh, you know. It was a gentle kiss. We pulled away and said, "Geez you're such a love bird today." I walked away slowly but he pulled me lightly and hugged me from behind, "so are you." He pointed out. It was true though. But he's the one who started it. He let go and smirked. "Well, Imma just use the bathroom I will be back." I said walking away from him into the bathroom. I shut the door and used the bathroom.

    When I got out he was turning the TV on. I walked over to him and said, "What are you doing?" He grabbed DVDs and handed them out. I jumped excitedly. "Movie night." He said giving me and all teeth smile. "You pick out a movie while I get popcorn." He added. "Okay." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He then walked out the door with no shoes on. I was confused. This is Byakuya Togami we're talking about. He was leaving the cottage without shoes. Weirdo.

    I sat on the edge of the bed and looked through all of the movies. There was Snow white and The seven dwarfs, Cinderella, and The Breakfast Club. He had more dvds but I stopped at The Breakfast Club. I've always wanted to watch it. So I put the rest away and held the dvd as I waited for Byakuya to get back.

   After a few minutes, he came back. He held a big bowl filled with popcorn. He placed the bowl on the bed and sat next to me. "What are we watching today?" He asked. I showed him the dvd. "My favorite." He said. "Really?" I asked. "Yes, of course. The Breakfast Club is a classic. It's the best." He replied. He grabbed the DVD and put it in the dvd player.

    He clicked play the ran walked over to the bed. I crawled next to him and we got under the blankets. We linked arms and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We started to eat the popcorn.

   Me and Byakuya laughed at some parts , felt awkward at some parts, and even got sad or mad at some parts.

   When it was over. I put the bowl of popcorn on the nightstand next to me, stood up and started jumping on the bed. Byakuya looked up as I was doing flips and stumbling off the bed wrecklessly. I offered my hand and he took it. I helped him up and I started jumping again. I was so energized it was insane.

    Byakuya laughed and rolled his eyes. He started to jump with me. "Yay!" I cheered. I fell off the bed and landed back first onto the floor. Byakuya looked worried and scared shitless. I started laughing. Byakuya crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Just then someone knocked on the door. I got up and opened it up. It was Hajime.

    "We're having another get together at my cottage, wanna join?" He asked. I looked at Byakuya he shrugged, "If you want to, sweetness." I love that nickname hehe. I looked back at Hajime and said, "Will there be alcohol?" I asked. He nodded. I looked back at Byakuya and gave him a smile then looked at Hajime. "We'll go." I said. "Okay, just come over when you're ready!" He said and then walked away. I closed the door and looked at Byakuya. He was crossing his arms and glaring at me.

    "Why do you want to go? You want to get me drunk again, dont you?" He asked. "No. I just want to make up for when you got druck and so tonight....I'll be the one who is getting drunk." I said. I walked away not giving him a chance to speak. I grabbed some clothes out of his closet. I grabbed one of Byakuya's turtlenecks. They were all green, but I grabbed the bright green one. I grabbed my black skinny jeans and white and black shoes. I went in the bathroom and got changed.

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now