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   I woke up yet another morning with Byakuya next to me. I was again the first one up. I got up and put on a different outfit. I wore black skinny jeans with a tight black and white striped turtle neck with a black tank top on top of it. I added a belt and my black and white checkered shoes.

   I brushed out my hair and teeth and applied lipbalm on. The flavor was strawberry ;). I went to Byakuya's bookshelf again and picked out a different book. I grabbed The Man who Never Fought and went to the same chair I sat in yesterday.

   After a while, Byakuya woke up. "Good morning!" I said. Now for my favourite part, his cute tired face! He looked at me and he was so cute I couldn't help it. I closed the book and hopped on him and gave him a morning hug. He was startled but hugged me back.

   "Good morning." He said in my ear. I pulled away and got up. He sat up and gave him his glasses. "No need to be rude, but what was that for?" He asked. "That's not rude and I couldn't help it you're so cute!" I said with aggression. He laughed like he already knew he was. He got up and stretched like he always does. He went to go to the bathroom but I couldn't help but to just hug him again. I hugged him really tight.

    "Someone's in a clinging mood today." He said hugging back. This time this hug was long. I just couldn't let go. "I got to use the bathroom and get a shower, may I?" He asked. I pulled aways , booped his nose and said, "Yes you may." He looked confused by went on. I layed down on the bed as I waited to go eat.

   He finally got out. "Can we eat now?" I asked. He laughed and said, "Yes." We left the cottage and headed for the café. "You look pretty today, well you always look pretty but you know." He said. I blushed and said, "Merci beaucoup!" His smile grew big and he held my hand.

   When we made it to the café I ran to the kitchen. Byakuya was a little slow poke and just walked. I made coffee and pancakes with Byakuya and we went to our table we always sit at.

     After I was done eating, I washed our dishes and I made up a plate of pancakes for Nagito. No one was at the café and I couldn't imagine what Nagito felt like right now. He's probably starving.

   Byakuya was hesitant to go in the room but he managed. "Good morning Nagito!" I said to him. His eyes lit up, "Good morning!" "I made you some pancakes." I said to him. "Why that's so nice! And I see Byakuya is holding water, is that for me?" He asked Byakuya. "Indeed it is." Byakuya answered. He put the water on the floor next to the plate of pancakes and he sat down next to me. I fed Nagito some little bites of pancakes. Nagito took a big sniff of something.

    "Mmmm...is that strawberry lipbalm?" He asked. "Uh...yeah, why?" I asked. "Just wondering. It smells good. I wonder what it tastes like." He said. I put the fork down and said, "Really? Nagito I told you-" he cut me off. "Yeah, yeah I know you don't like me but it won't change my feel-" he stopped when he saw the door open. It was Hajime. Nagito was blank and Hajime was just standing there with orange juice. "Hello..." Nagito said still looking at him. "Uh, hi? Um just came to ask if you were hungry but I guess you already have some-" He got cut off by Nagito. " (Y/N) YoU can leave. Hajime can feed me." He said with hope and a smile. "O-Oh okay well, bye!" I said to Nagito. Nagito didn't say anything. He was blushing at the fact Hajime was going to feed him. Me and Byakuya left the abandoned building.

   "Thank God he found a new crush!" I said. "Tell me about it. And uh, I did notice you had strawberry lipbalm on, but I just didn't want to be a creep and  we'll, yeah..." He said. I giggled because I knew he was jealous. "That's fine. But just so you know, the only person who can taste the lipbalm is you. Since you love strawberries so much and well, youre my boyfriend so-" I said. Byakuya blushed. That's the first. He gently grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a kiss. This kiss was even softer than or other kisses. We pulled away and he smiled and said, "Taste better than strawberries." I lightly slapped his arm and said teasingly, "Don't be so cheesy!" Then I smiled. After that we went to the café again.

    This time when we went there, everyone was there. Well except Hajime because he was feeding Nagito. "Hey guys!" Kazuichi says. He went over to Byakuya and said, "I heard the girls were going to go swimming, just imagine all the girls we could get!" "I already have a girl. I don't think that's necessary. And don't be such a pervert." He said to Kaz. "Oh yeah, sorry. Are you going swimming, (Y/N)?" He asked. Shoot I totally forgot. "Uh, yeah, I forgot but I'll still go I guess-" I said. "Okay." Kazuichi said with a smirk. He walked away and went to Gundham .

   "So what time is this swimming?"  Byakuya asked. "We meet up at the restaurant at 9, and go swimming at 10." I answered. He nodded. "I'll probably be somewhere. Maybe the library." He said. "You could come you know. You don't have to swim you could just walk around and look at the water." He got excited. "Sure." He tried to say casually. I went over to Sonia and Akane and them, and asked if Byakuya could come. I told them that he'd just be walking around. "Sure, just as long as he's not a pervert and starts looking!" Akane said. "I think if I was a pervert and I dared to look at a girl I'm sure it'll only be (Y/N) . "  He said. I blushed at that. "Well, okay" Chiaki said with a smile. I think the girls started to really trust Byakuya. We left the café and I went to my cottage to get my bathing suit on.

    I put on a black bathing suit with spaghetti straps and my back was exposed. My arms and legs were exposed as well. I put on a pair of ripped shorts and a white oversized shirt. I slipped on my white shoes and headed to the restaurant because it was 8:55.

   When I arrived at the restaurant, Byakuya was sitting at the booth drinking a milkshake. Akane, Chiaki and Sonia were there as well. I sat next to Byakuya. And snatched a sip of his milkshake. "Mm that's good!" I said. Taking another sip. "Yeah, not so bad." He said. Me and Byakuya were talking for a while until it happened again.

    Hiyoko just ran out of the summer house, Peko is on her way from her murder scene, and Mahiru was dead on the ground. The murder happened about 45 minutes ago. I went back to reality to Byakuya shaking me. He knew what was up. "Where?" He asked. "T-the summer h-h-house..." I said. He got up and started to run. I ran with him and Akane, Chiaki and Sonia ran with me. 

    We made it to the summer house and I was right. "Ghah, not another one!" Growled Akane. Byakuya walked up to me and asked, "Who did it?" I looked at him and said, "Peko did it, but it wasn't her choice." After that the body discovery announcement came on. After that went off I did the exact same thing I did when the first murder happened. I asked monokuma if we could speed it up. And he sighed again and said the class trial announcement. We all walked to the monokuma rocks.

   We all hopped on the escalator and waited to arrive to the top. Once we made it to the top, we jumped on the elevator. The doors closed in and went deep into ground. After a while we arrived at the court room.

   We all went to our spots. Monokuma said the announcements and we started. "First of all, I honestly don't  know why everyone keeps killing. What point are you trying to prove? We solved the last one just like *that*. You're not going to win but I guess you all are asking for a death wish so let's get on with it. Fuyuhiko, you and Peko work together, I'm sorry I said that wrong, Peko works for you, am I right? You got her to kill Mahiru. Didnt  really work. You got caught. Overall, Peko is the killer. " I said. Byakuya went over and high fived me. And went back to his seat. "Wha-" Fuyuhiko said. "Busted." Said Ibuki. "ITTTSSS VOTING TIMEEE!" monokuma said. We all voted without giving Peko or Fuyuhiko a chance to talk. We didn't need to listen to their bullshit.

  We all voted Peko. After that the got pulled into a cult of ninja robots. She killed alot but more kept on coming. After a few seconds, Fuyuhiko was running to her to save her life. It didn't work. He just got a cut eye and a dead assistant.

   A monokuma emergency car pulled in and took Fuyuhiko to the hospital. Mikan offered to help him. We all left to our cottages (I went to Byakuya's again) and we snuggled and slept.

Heyo! It's me again! Well, sorry if the trial went so damn fast. I just didn't feel like writing that much because I wrote four chapters today xD also if you have any requests, don't hesitate to ask! Honestly I'll listen and I'll consider and do it if I really like it! Well, thank you for reading. And I hope you enjoy many chapters to come!!

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now