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First of all, Thank you so much animeobsesssed for the AWESOME idea! Bro, like AHHHH i nEvEr thought of it! Thank you! Okay let's continue :)

   I wandered a lot around the islands. Byakuya stayed at the cottage to sleep. I'm guessing he was tired. Well yeah, duh xD

   Monokuma appeared and said, "HEYYYOOOOO! Time for the next motive! I already told everyone else! It's just you and well... Byakuya. I'll tell him after I tell you. Welp. The motive is exposing who you really are. You, in your case , you are not the 'Ultimate marksman' that's stupid! Super super stupid! Pure the Ultimate Hitman. Ugh, stupid teenagers." He said. I-

     "You lied to me!" I said. "Well...I'm monokuma, come on I'm evil. Pfft... Ultimate marksman? STOOOOOOOOOPPPIIIDDDDD! Puhuhuhu....well...have fun!" He said and then disappeared. I'm...the ultimate Hitman? But....why? Is that why I remembered guns?! Is that why I thought of marksman? But....how...? I'm so confused. L-lets just go....

    I wonder what Byakuya's secret is....
I really do. Hm. What would he be hiding? I don't know. He told me everything. At least I think. I went to the café and sat at me and Byakuya's table with confusion. I needed to be alone. This was all too much.

    After a while of being confused and frustrated, someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back to see Chiaki. "Oh..hi Chiaki." I said. "Hi! Would you like to hangout at my cottage?" She asked. She was very sketchy. Monokuma says the motive then she asks to hang at her cottage? I hesitated then answered her, "Uh..sure, why not?" Her face lit up but...with a dark twist to it. I was scared. But Chiaki wouldn't do anything, right? R-r-right?

   She lead me to her cottage. She unlocked her door and invited me in. I stepped in with fear. My legs were shaky. I knew something was up. I just have to be careful. "Come on, sit." She said patted a spot on her couch. She sat next to the empty space. I walked over and sat next to her. My breathing was unsteady. She noticed.

   "Are you okay?" She asked. I shook my head, "Uh...er..y-yeah..." I answered. She smiled. I gave her a tiny smile back. My head was spinning and I felt sick. She then got up and said, "I'm going to grab us some coffee. I'll be back." She said. "O-okay..." I replied. She then walked to her kitchen.

     I got up, still shaking with terror, and looked around. I noticed a picture of her with some friends. I noticed another picture with her net to someone. It was a boy. And they looked awfully like monokuma. Hm. I don't know. I walked a bit more and came across a blue mirror. God I was pale. Geez.

    I looked at myself in the mirror until I noticed Chiaki creeping up behind with a knife. I gasped and then she stabbed me. But I felt....no pain? She looked at me with a grin. I looked at her and grabbed her arm. She stabbed me two more times. I stood up perfectly. She then realized that I wasn't feeling anything. She started shaking. She dropped the knife and started apologizing in fear. She then collapsed on the floor and sat against the wall. She then started crying. "I'm so sorry!" She said sobbing. "Why were you trying to kill me?!" I asked. "Please don't kill mee!" She said still sobbing. "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME CHIAKI!" I yelled. "P-please!" She begged. "I'm not going to kill you! I'm just going to simply tie you up and take you to the abandoned building. We will feed you, just you won't be able to kill or harm anyone. Is that clear?!" I asked her. She started crying even more. I grabbed a rope that was closest to me.

   I tied her arms and legs, then carried her to the abandoned building. I saw Byakuya and then he made eye contact. He ran up to me with a worried facial expression. "W-w-what the h-hell happened?!?!" He asked. "I'll tell you later, but could you help me, please?" I asked. He nodded.

    I grabbed Chiaki's arms and he took her legs. We both carried her to the abandoned building, went to the room Nagito was in,  and then plopped her on the ground. "Why did you try to kill me, Chiaki?!" I asked. She was crying so much I could barely hear her, but I did anyway. "I...I...I was scared of my secret g-g-getting exposed..." She said tripping on her words. "Well we all have secrets, Chiaki. Mine is pretty unpredictable and bad. But...why?! Is your secret really that bad!?" I asked. I looked at back to Byakuya, who looked scared shitless. I could tell he was worried about me. He was looking at my wounds. "Yes...i-its bad. And....W-Why aren't y-you DEAD?!" she asked. I hesitated. Why am I not dead. Byakuya looked confused too.

    "I...I don't know..." I said as I touched my bleeding wounds. I looked at the blood and back at the deep wound. Everyone in the room were so confused. "A-anyway...I'm going to tell the rest what happened and get someone to f-fed you. I don't t-trust you a-anymore..." I said looking away from her. I turned to the door, she was still sobbing, and Byakuya was behind me. I took his hand and walked out. We both walked to everyone's cottage and told them what happened and asked to care of her. They understood, but didn't at the same time. They all asked why I wasn't dead. I just told them that I didn't know. Because I didn't.

    Byakuya lead me to the cottage and sat me down on the toilet in the bathroom. He started to grab the bandage from underneath the sink and wrapped me up around my waist. I had to take my shirt off for this part, though. Hhhhhhhhh.

     "I don't understand..." He said. "Y-you were stabbed three times in the stomach and even one on the back. You're blood was gushing I just don't understand-" he said. I grabbed his cheek and said, "I don't know, either. It's...weird." I said. "And about my secret...." I said. "It turns out...I'm not the Ultimate marksman...I'm the Ultimate hitman." I said looking away from embarrassment. He stopped for a second. "Huh?!" He said in surprise. "I don't know, either! This day is super confusing!!" I said. "I guess I should tell you mine too...." He started. I looked up at him as he was still wrapping me up.

    " I...I had thoughts about me being gay....but, when I met you, that wore off. When I thought I was, I had a crush on Makoto. (I'm dieing inside. Sorry I'm ruining the moment okay continue reading please xD) and I thought that if I told anyone...it would ruin the title of the Togami Family. So I kept it a secret. But like I said, you changed that." He finished. "Byakuya...you might be bisexual. Have you ever thought about that?" I asked. "Yes..and I don't know." He said turning red. "It's okay, pumpkin! I'll love you no matter what!" I told him. I gave him a kiss and he smiled. I smiled back and be continued wrapping me up. We talked about our sexuality adventures. If was nice...

Ooooo such a spicy chapter, right? I KNOW! Byakuya is BISEXUAL ( in this story.) Crazy I know, I know. Hehe welp all credits to animeobsesssed for the ideas! Hehe! Welp , enjoy the chapters coming up! And again if you have any requests just tell me and I'll make it happen!!! Byeee!

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