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I woke up, Byakuya wasn't beside me. He wasn't in the cottage either. I ran out the door and then it happened. The body discovery announcement. I went where it was, it wasn't Byakuya though, it was an unfamiliar face. My visions weren't working. Then I turned around to see Byakuya investigation.

"Where were you?" I asked. "Walking." He answered. Walking. Okay. We investigated a bit. It was time for the class trial, and we teleported to the court room and were dragged to our seats.

"It was you, Byakuya Togami!" Said Hajime. "Why would you say that he couldn't do that!" I yelled. He looked at me and tears ran down his eyes. He looked down and said, "it's true." I was shocked. "no...." I said. Then all of a sudden, everyone started shouted. "Byakuya did it! Byakuya did it! BYAKUYA DID IT!."

My world was turning black, and soon I was in a empty room ties up to a chair with my mouth taped. My eyelids were forced open. A TV in front of me turned on. It was Byakuya falling from the sky. He landed in a garbage can. He got out and started walking towards a school. Just then kids threw rocks at him. I struggled to get out while tears were rolling down my face one by one as I screamed under the tape for help and yelling, "NO!"

Byakuya was bleeding from the rocks being thrown at him. Then he walked into a snowy place. It looked cold. Then he started turning blue. He was bleeding everywhere. He collapsed on the ground. He lyed on the snow while he was coughing up blood, and then, his eyes closed and he stopped breathing. I was bawling my eyes out while Monokuma watched me. He turned on a slideshow of me and Byakuya. He played a bunch of clips of us in the library and swimming at the beach. He saved the kissing ones for last. And just then, I died from a broken heart. And everything went black.

I woke up and Byakuya was beside me. I started crying and hugged him super tight. He woke up and when he saw me cry he immediately hugged me back. "What's wrong?!" He asked. "I...*sniff*...had a nightmare where...*sniff...you killed some one and you got executed....." I said tripping on my words. He stared at me with sadness in his eyes. He then hugged me again and said, "I want to let you know that I would never do anything like that....because I know that one of us would be heartbroken....I wouldn't do that to you." He said. "What else happened?" He asked.

I told him everything that happened. I told him the details of his execution and how monokuma basically tortured me and how I died of a broken heart. A little teary rolled down his face. I wiped it off. "That's....that's brutal." He said. "I'm sorry that happened-" I hugged him as tight as I could and so did he. We decided for the whole day to just stay in bed again. Because that dream really put a scar on me. I was traumatized. It was the worst pain I've ever felt....

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now