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(Disclaimer: The killing didn't actually happened the way that it did in the game. The victim isn't the real victim that actually died, and the punishment doesn't actually start right when they see the body. And no, the culprit does not get caught. So...yeah. thank you!)

- Still Byakuya's POV. - (We all love it when our king is in control....and no that isn't a dirty joke....or is it? Jkjk)

  I woke up and totally forgot about the strawberry house. I could really go for some hot dark coffee-
There is none.

   Okay, stay calm. We'll get through this without any harm. None at all. I got up and went to the main part of the strawberry house.

    I looked at the TV and saw (Y/N) Still sleeping. Awe, she's so cute. I wish I was laying next to her. I stared at it until Fuyuhiko came out . "Creep." He said. I turned around to him. "She's my girlfriend. This TV is out here for a reason. So...why not watch her to see if she's okay." I said. "Tch...so what? You don't just watch her sleep. It's creepy. She wouldn't like it." He replied. "You don't know what she likes because you never ask her. If you want her so bad how about actually getting to know her. But I doubt she'd ever date you. She loves me and not you. She confirmed that." I said. His face was getting boiling red. "Well if you stop getting her held hostage in your fucking cottage, maybe and I can get to fucking know her!" He shouted. I turned around to see her waking up. "You woke her up, good job. Now get lost." I said crossing my arms. I heard him walk away.

   I watched her as she got out of bed. Then I saw that she looked at the TV. I walked over to the monitor and said, "Good morning, cupcake." She rubbed her eye, "Good morning, handsome." She said smiling. I smiled back to her. "I hope you're doing okay. I heard you guys don't have food so...I'm not eating either until you guys get out. If I do I'll feel bad. " She said. That's the complete opposite that I wanted her to do. I didn't want that. "No, it's fine. You eat." I demanded. "No." She replied. I sighed. "Do whatever you want. But I'll make sure monokuma gets food in you. I don't want you to get sick or even worse, die." I told her. She poured then walked away.

   I looked at the TV to see what she was doing. Then, she was in the bathroom. I took my coat off and placed it over the TV. That was close. "Monokuma get down here you, bear ass-hat!" I shouted. He popped up. "Yess?" "Can you take those camera's out of the bathroom?" I asked. "No can do. What if a murder happens? " He asked. I sighed then walked back to the TV. I took a sneak peak to see if she was still in the bathroom. She wasn't. So I took my coat off and put it on me.

     I wandered around the building a lot. I'd always hear her laugh through the hallways because there were monitors everywhere. I'd see her through the TVs that lyed around in certain places. And everytime I saw her she'd be looking at the TV while sitting down with a blanket around her.

    "How are you doing?" I asked. "It's pretty scary being on these islands alone....and lonely too." She answered. "I can imagine." I replied. "I miss you, like , a lot. And that nightmare....it just scares me even more. I really wish you were here with me. I wish I kept a grip on you. I love you and I hope you take care and stay safe. Survive for me okay?" She asked. She made it sound like she was going to do something bad. But I dont know what. "I'll survive. Because ...." We both continued. "I will not lose to the mastermind or you or anyone else. Even as the rest of you fall one by one. I will live and I will win. As long as my  name is Byakuya Togami." (Y/N) laughed. I smiled at her. Damn, she remembers my quote.

I'd like to let y'all know that I remembered that by heart because I say it so much. Hehe, our king's quote. :)

   I came across Gundham, he looked like he was planning on something. I was curious on what he was thinking about.

    Chiaki was sleeping, Sonia was singing, and Akane was starving.

   I decided to just grab a chair, and talk to (Y/N) all day. We talked about how we were going to get out of here alive. And our favorite hobbies. We talked for hours until it was night time. I rolled the TV to my room, and placed it beside my bed. I already had a monitor.

    I lyed on the bed and just kept talking to her. "I wonder how far away it is from here..." she said. "Hmmm..." I began. "I wonder how you didn't pass out from the gas...  " I said. "I honestly don't know...." She said. I shrugged.
    Soon enough I fell asleep and she just watched me. She giggled.

  Time lapse: Three days :0

I woke up to (Y/N)  TRYING to get my attention from the TV and monitor. "BYAKUYA!!" She screamed. "W-w-what?!" I replied panicky. "R-r-right now! Right now! Gundham k-k-kill Fuyuhiko!!" She said. I immediately got up and "Where?!" I asked in hurry. "That weird room...like that room that appearently the strawberry house and the grape house is attached to..." She said. "Okay, thank you!" I said then ran. I guess the others heard me and opened their doors and ran with me. They stopped me.

   " What are you doing??" Hajime asked. "(Y/N) Says that gundham is killing Fuyuhiko right now-" I said. "WHAT?!" They all yelled at the same time. Then we all started running.

    When we arrived, we saw it. "AHHHHHH!" Kazuichi screamed. Gundham was in there. He looked at us shocked. "W-why? Gundy....WHY?!" Kazuichi yelled. "To protect everyone...." He said. Monokuma came in eating a chocolate bar. "Welp, we all know who the blackened is....let's just do the punishment now. Pfft, no biggy..." Monokuma said. He then grabbed him and disappeared. The TV then showed Gundham's execution. We were all just sitting there like : 👁️👄👁️

   Kazuichi was devastated. He cried then collapsed on the floor. I felt bad. Monokuma then released gas again. "Huh? What is ~this~-" Hajime and Nagito passed out. Then I did.

    I woke up and I was back to the café. Someone was shaking me and saying, "Wake up!" I looked up and it was (Y/N). I got up and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and we kissed passionately. "I missed you so much!" She said between kisses. "Me too." I said giggly. I was so happy. Kazuichi woke up, looked around, and then started crying. I was just glad that I was back with (Y/N) To even bother with him. No need to be rude, but that's Byakuya Togami for you.

Sorry I took so long! Really, I am! I hoped you liked this chapter! I'm also taking requests, so if you want something in the story I'll put it on! Hehe, welp, come back for chapter 23!

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