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When we arrived at the café, Nagito and Hajime were sitting next to each other drinking orange juice. "No! I only love you. " Nagito says. Hajime turned bright red.

Me and Byakuya walked to our table. He lifted my legs and put them on his lap. He's such a cutie.

"What food reminds you of me?" I asked Byakuya. "Strawberries. The juicy ones." He said. "When's the last time you thought about something positive about me?" I asked. "Right now." He answered. "What's your favorite memory of us?" I asked. "When we swam together." He answered. He was quick with all these answers.

"Would your parents like me?" I asked. "I...I don't know...." He answered. "What are five of my best features?" I asked. "Eyes, lips, hair, body and nose. There's a lot more but you only said five. What about me?" He asked. "You eyes, hair, lips, body and your cute cheeks." I answered. He blushed. That's what I mean.

"What are my best personality traits?" I asked. "Fun, adventurous, sweet, funny, loyal, caring....etc" he said. "I could give you a list of them." He added. I smiled. "What about me?" He asked giving me an all teeth smile. "You're funny, loyal, caring, sweet well, to me. You make me feel protected...etc." I said. I smiled at him.

He took my head and placed in down on his lap. He was looking down at me. His big, blue, sparkling eyes were glowing. He stroked my hair to assure me that he admired me. I touched his face with my hand. I stroked it across his cute cheek. We were doing this for a good two minutes, then Sonia walked in the café.

"Hey, guys'!" She said. I got up and Byakuya wrapped his arms around me. "Hi!" I said waving. Chiaki came in after that. She was yawning. "You guys are so....*yawn*...cute..." She said. I smiled at her.

Everyone just started to walk in the café. Me and Byakuya were making a handshake. Kazuichi, Gundham, Nagito and Hajime came over to our table.

"Oh, hey guys'." I said. "Hi, (Y/N)!" They all said. Fuyuhiko joined. "So, we were planning on having a little get together at my cottage. Want to come?" Asked Hajime. "Sure!" I said. "That means you, too. Are you coming?" Asked Hajime. "Yeah, sure. I'll go." Byakuya said. Hajime and Nagito high fived. "The power couple is going, YES!" Said Kazuichi. I looked over to Gundham, "Hey Gundy. How are you?" I asked. He looked up from feeding his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. " I'm doing splendid. What about you, mortal?" He asked. "I'm doing great!" I said. Even though we were trapped in a killing game, we all still had a good time. Who knows, if it ended, what if we went our separate ways?

After a good talk with the guys, me and Byakuya left and went to his cottage. I plopped on a chair and he plopped on the bed.

"So it's 6:49 right now. We leave at 7, correct?" Asked Byakuya. I nodded. "I'm just going to get dressed into a different outfit, I'll be back, pumpkin!" I said while kissing his forehead. I left and went to my cottage.

I got on a overall dress, with a baby pink sweater underneath it. I put pink knee socks with my white sneakers. And I put my hair in two low pig tails.

I walked over to Byakuya's cottage. He had on a oversized green turtle neck with black sweatpants. He was also wearing white sneakers, as well. "Oh my god! You're so CUTE!" I said jumping him. I kissed him and then squeezed his cheeks. "You're really cute." He said. I blushed. I held his hand and we ran to Hajime's cottage. Byakuya hugged me from behind while I knocked on the door. Hajime answered and smiled. "You made it!" He said.

"Yes we did." I replied. And then we walked in his cottage. We sat down on his couch. I laid my head on Byakuya's lap. He held my hand. And I held his hand too.

After a bit, Akane walked in. She was wearing an attractive black, flowy , above knee dress. I looked at her then Byakuya. Byakuya looked for a second, then looked back at me. I put on a jealous face.

That Little Dork ( Byakuya Togami x reader )Where stories live. Discover now