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-Back to your POV.-
When monokuma dropped him off, I cried tears of happiness. Thank you Gundham! Even though you're gone...thank you. You truly know what love is. You understand everyone. You protected everyone. But you lost your lover and...I'm sorry. And Fuyuhiko.... sorry? You were sorta a pain in the ass...-_-

Okay okay okay, before you say anything...NO ! I don't hate Fuyuhiko he's a very good character! I don't hate anyone in SDR2 besides Nekomaru (that's why he was first to be gone), Twogami, and Teruteru. Das all. So, no, I don't hate these characters. I hate full respect for them! Please don't hate me 🥺

I shook (SHOOK! Sorry) Byakuya until he woke up. I was shaky his body non-stop. Moments have passed, and his eyes were slowly opening. He looked up at me, then he face was full of happiness. He got up and hugged me really tight. So I hugged him tight too. We kissed very passionately and we were super excited and happy. "I missed you so much!" I said in between kisses. "Me too." He replied.

Me and Byakuya just hung out all day just wrapping our arms around each other while walking around. "It felt like forever when you were gone! Monokuma kept showing full asking if I needed anything, and he was also kinda scared." I giggled. "Oh so he's scared of you?" He asked. "A little bit. Apparently he used the strongest gas and it didn't work on me." I replied. "Wow." He said. I giggled.

It was night time, but before I went to bed, I walked over to Kazuichi's cottage. I brought gummy bears and creme soda. I knocked on his door but he didn't answer. I heard sobbing through the door. I turned the door knob. It was open. So I went inside.

I saw Kazuichi on his bed bawling his eyes out. He had a white t-shirt on with black and blue pajama pants on. He was curled up in a ball. I sat at the end of his bed, and he looked up like he was startled. " Did I scare ya?" I said softly. His eyes were red and puffy. He crawled down to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"W-Why.....?" He asked. "He wanted to protect you from dieing, love. And don't worry...once you live a happy life and soon die....you will be with him ruling his kingdom with him." I said. He sniffed a lot. I looked over at his pillows and they were drenched in tear water.

"B-b-but, I just really want to hug him....I m-miss him...s-so- much...." He said. I started tearing up. I couldn't stand the thought of losing Byakuya. I guess that's how Kazuichi feels. "Kaz...don't worry...his with you...and he always will." I said. He wiped some tears away. "Yeah....he left me his Four Dark Devas of Destruction..." He said pointing to a scarf on the bed. Then he crawled over and opened it up to see Gundham's four hamsters.

They looked scared. They were crying. Kazuichi lifted the scarf up and wrapped it around his neck along with the hamsters inside. They popped their little heads out and hugged Kazuichi. He gave them little pecks on the head.

"See? You have his most precious little guys....and he gave them to you for a reason." I said. He gave me a soft smile. "Oh and here you go. I brought some gummy bears and creme soda " I said. His eyes lit up. "Thank you!" He said hugging me. I hugged him back. "Now please get some rest....." I told him. He nodded and carefully placed down the scarf, and curled up to to them. "Goodnight..." I said. "Goodnight." I turned off his light and shut his door.

I walked to Byakuya's cottage. I opened the door to see him sleeping on the bed. I smiled and took my shoes off. I got into my pajamas and then curled up next to him. I put my arm around him. He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back to him. He turned around and layed on my stomach. I gave him a kiss on the lips and then went to sleep.

Heyoo I know this was a short chapter but I thought I'd give this chapter dedicated to Kazuichi. I love him and he deserves a lot. His lover just died, cut him some slack

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