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Oooh, that's a cool world to live in...oh wow, look at that one! And that one! Oh... I didn't even see that one, that's cool..."

His warm coated body elevated in the empty space, watching an endless amount of realities fly around him. They were the only things that lit up this mysterious home, it was never dark. At least he has never caught his openings of time closed.

"I'll poke my head in these dimensions another day...this demon is getting pretty tired..."

His red coat gently caressed his skin as it slid off, floating slowly away from him. He looked around at his portals and sighed before spinning himself in a circle and laying down on his coat.

"I should take note of my favorite realities. I wonder if I could find a new one sooner or later...probably not..."

He sighed, blowing his split colored hair out of his face. In the void he called home, he got used to sleeping without a floor or bed to relax on, though the red coat he always wore became his new bed. And he never had to worry about losing his stuff, all he had to do was reach into his space filled arm and eye to get it.

The ticking in his clock eye slowed down and rang in his head as it closed. He got ready to sleep and curled up in a ball. While his mind wandered off into the darkness of his mind, his eyes staring relentlessly into the back of his head.

But that's where his imagination came to life, it was all in his head. Sometimes it was a dream, and sometimes it was a nightmare. And sometimes, it never existed.

"Haha! You're so silly!"


He jumped from his position, startled by the sudden laughter. It sure wasn't him, even though he often talked to himself. This voice sounded...feminine.

"You look scary! Hehe, do it again!"

More laughter and giggling. Maybe it was his imagination, but it felt too surreal. As if he was being laughed at. He widened his eyes in surprise as he retrieved his coat, looking at the sight in front of him.

A new portal had appeared, and it wasn't like the others. Of course it wasn't like any other portal he has seen, but this right here, it was something different.

It was in the view of a camera, seeing both sides of the video chatting. There was a red haired boy and a girl, making funny faces at each other. They were having fun, and by the looks of the setting, it was presumably a late night conversation.

Although he knew who both of them were, he had his eyes set on the boy. He didn't know why, but he was yearning to mess up whatever they had going on. Whether it'd be confusion, or a simple obstacle, that would do to satisfy his needs.

"Oh how you should have never created me...I've got the perfect way to mess you up big time..."

Chronos: Time Warped - Only The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now