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Carlie smiled. "The only way any of the other Oc's in this world would know my existence is because of the Eternal Scouts Coalition that is..a major thing in this whole..universe." she rubbed her neck.

"But hey, it's not everyday you meet a scout member right?" she nervously laughed in an attempt to lighten the mood. She then shrugged, "I'm probably better known because of my father though." She said, pointing to Foxy.

"Your father broke my eye-"

Chronos stopped himself, hearing the hostility in his tone. "-but that's alright. I know why you're here. I deserved it really."

Carlie put out a hand. "Even though I'm probably going to get killed later for this sentence..." She began before she took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry we met on terms like this. But yeah, onto that.." She said nervously, hoping that the last part of the  sentence didn't bring out his hostile side once again.

But to her luck, Chronos remained calm. He looked around and released a loud sigh.

"I'm sorry too. And that isn't likely from me, as well known as that is from the others..." He leaned to the side and looked directly at Timothy, and then dead at Chester. Chester shot a deadly glare back, making a face.

"...but anyways, it's clear what you're trying to do. I got the memo. You and your father are Madi's creation, sent after me. It doesn't feel right to me that we're fighting."

Carlie stepped back. "I..I actually feel that. What it feels like is Madi and Joe fighting...when it's really not..."

"Exactly. This game didn't turn out how I wanted, and it's not even fun anymore, now that I've got Madi's creations after me..."

Chronos looked up at everyone once again, taking a deep breath. "I surrender. This stupid fight is over. There's not one trick up my sleeve."

Everyone sighed in relief, returning to their normal state. But Chester still remained in the air. No one told him to come down.

"I'm glad you've made that decision," Timothy said as he held Vince's hand, "We don't want to hurt you. We just want peace."

Carlie then did the most normal thing for her, and decided to just flat out hug Chronos. "It's...going to be okay.." she smiled.

He slowly hugged back, wrapping his arms around her completely. Some remaining shards of glass fell out his eye, which seemed to resemble tears. A glowing light started to form, brightening up the room.

"Yeah, you're right, you're absolutely right...everything is going to be okay..."

Chester widened his eyes, confused yet sure knowing what was going to happen. He dived down at the two with a worried face, reaching out his arms.


In that moment, the bright light bursted, blinding everyone in the room. It wasn't long until once more the area was cleared, and Chronos, along with Carlie, was gone. Foxy had his hands clenched, trying to understand what just happened. But his hands started to glow too, and soon enough, he was gone as well.

Chronos: Time Warped - Only The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now