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"I have to head back to my dorm, but talk to her. Will you?" I asked softly, as Anna's head was lowered. Getting up and grabbing my things, I could tell she wasn't going to reach out to Ag. Even if she said she was. She wasn't, after all, I know her better then she knows her own self. And, even though I haven't mentioned this to Anna, Ag has been getting in touch with me asking how Anna was doing. I wouldn't tell her the whole story about Anna, other than the basics. That she's afraid to admit it to herself, but she misses you, or something along the lines of that matter. And, Ag would always say how she wished they could get close again in response. Even I wish they would get close again. When I finally got back in to my dorm, my roommate wasn't there. Which was typical, she was too absorbed in that boyfriend of hers, to even comprehend she had a dorm room, let alone a roommate. But, it didn't matter to me, as I layed down on my mattress with a light thud, I kept thinking about Anna. About her and Ag. I pulled out my phone debating on whether or not to call Ag. To tell her the truth. Part of me knew Anna would hate me for it, but also a part of me knew deep down how her seeing Ag would mean a lot to her. How them even talking, an actual undry conversation, would mean a lot to her. And, since Anna wouldn't do it, I knew I had to. So, I called Ag.

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