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I could hear only muffled voices of Emmi and Ag talking down stairs, nothing I could clearly make out. Other than at one moment, Ag raised her voice a little, but soon lowered it. What was so important, that Emmi had to privately talk to Ag about? And, by the look on Emmi's face, she seemed scared, but also urgency pleaded through her voice when she asked Ag to go down stairs. Was it that serious? I couldn't help but thinking. I also couldn't help but think, did Ag possibly do something? And, that's why she didn't want to talk in front of me? Great. This is just great. I'm alone again, and all these thoughts are running through me head. I miss Ag, I miss her so much. I wish she would come back in here. I wish things would go back to normal. But, they won't. Not until we actually have a conversation, a conversation that I keep ignoring, and pushing away. And, I don't even know why. To be honest, I blame myself for me and Ag not being okay now. But, can I really take all the blame? Even though I do, should I? "Hey, Emmi went home for the night." Ag said softly, as she slowly closed the door, the door clicking in response to show it was closed all the way. My thoughts finally coming to a pause as I watched Ag. This girl was really something else, she was so beautiful. She was so gorgeous, and she always compliments other people but no one really compliments her, if only she heard all the thoughts in my head about her. Then that would change. Her eyes were twinkling so brightly as she walked over to the bed, and sat down on the end of it, facing towards the wall again. This was the first time in the whole crazy day and early morning, that it was actually a comfortable silence. "I have to go back to the hotel." She said quietly, as she got up to look at me. My heart hammering against my chest, as I longed for her to stay. I longed for her touch. For her to hold me again, everything. Even though she was right here, I missed her. Something weighed her down, trying to sink her, so it didn't really feel like she was here. The whole time she's been here it has felt like that, but even more so now. "I'll, I'll um, see you tomorrow, okay?" She said, I could tell somewhere deep down she didn't want to leave, and I didn't either. "Stay." I said, more of me pleading for her then anything else. I needed her. "Are you sure?" She asked, she wasn't fighting me. And, I don't think she even wanted to. Because, she needed me as much as I needed her. That was the one thing that was for certain. "Yes." I responded, staring into her beautiful eyes, almost melting at her gaze. Why was this moment so pure, so genuine? Times like these, really do remind me why I fight for her to be in my life. Reminds me why I even fell in love with her. "Okay." She finally said, giving me the same loving gaze as I gave her, but headed towards the door. "Where are you going?" I asked her, turning my body towards her direction again. "To sleep on the couch?" She replied more of a question. But, I didn't want her to sleep downstairs, so I patted the open space beside me on my bed. She smiled that goofy smile of hers that I missed so much. And, she layed down beside me, but I couldn't help but wonder what was holding her down so badly mentally.

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