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"Anna!" I squealed as she walked through the door. As I ran up to her, I immediately slowed down. My heart dropping. Where was Ag? She was suppose to win her back, was it possible she let her go again? Anna seemed to have a mix of feelings playing out all throughout her body right now. Sadness, happiness, giddy, but uncomfortable? Her arm was rubbing the other self consciously, something she did when she was uncomfortable. But, why? "Anna?" I asked sternly, but deep down I was petrified. Did something go incredibly wrong between them? She lowered her head, trying to walk up the stairs, but I stopped her. Something was up, and I needed to get to the bottom of it. "Anna, what happened? Where's Ag?" She looked up at me, tears flowing down her face as she brushed past me and ran upstairs. "Anna, talk to me please? What happened?" This time my voice softened, this time I didn't want to give Anna any advice, but instead just a friend. A shoulder to cry on, and someone to listen. I would give her my shoulder to cry on, however she locked me out of her room. "Go away!" Anna's muffled voice shouted out from the inside of her room. "Not until you talk to me!" I shouted right back, my ear pressed up against her door, hoping to hear footsteps moving towards the door. But, yet, nothing. "Going after Ag was a bad mistake, going after a taken girl." She was now sobbing, and this broke my heart. I began pounding on the door, begging Anna to let me in. "She kissed me." Anna sniffled, as she cracked open the door. Not enough for me to get in, but enough for me to see tears falling down her face. I thought she'd be happy that this happened, but something told me it was way more deeper then just a kiss, or just another conversation.

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