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Brushing past Emmi as I walked up the steps, I wanted to talk to Anna. I really did, but part of me at the same time didn't. It was almost like the feeling that invaded my body was the feeling of knowing you need to do something even if you don't want to. Lightly tapping on the door, all I heard was Anna grunting as she called out from the depths of her room, "Go away, Emmi!" I sighed, I knew she didn't want to talk to me. Or, even be anywhere remotely near me. And, right now I think the same goes for Emmi, as annoyance laced through her soft velvety voice. This is it, I thought to myself slowly opening her door. "It's not Emmi." Is all I said, looking down, she looked up at me, her eyes sparkled but her cheeks flushed an angry shade of dark red. She put her phone down and sat up. "Why are you here." She said, her voice was in a demanding statement. The type your parents give when you have done something terribly wrong. "For you. Emmi called me, and I came." I said, my voice practically pleading for her tensed shoulders to ease. But, they didn't. She stood up, not coming any closer, but standing up nonetheless. "I don't want you here, and I think I've made that perfectly clear, no? So, leave!" She screamed at me, her eyes begining to water. I know deep down somewhere she doesn't want me to, but in this moment all the anger she felt towards what happened between us took over. I stepped closer, wanting to brush away the tear that fell down her face, but I knew I couldn't. And, that's what makes it harder. "Anna, please-" She cut me off, this time returning my favor, and inching herself closer to me. "No, Ag. I'm not fixing to get hurt again by letting you waltz your way back in to my life. You don't even know what has been going on, so don't come here and pretend like you do, after months of not even giving a damn!" She screamed, her body now only mere inches from mine. I could feel her body temperature rising.

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