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I didn't like this, I didn't like this one bit. Whatever was happening between those closed doors, wasn't good. I can't believe I did this, I messed up. God, I messed up so bad. "Yeah, but friends don't just have sex, Anna!" Ag yelled, so loud her voice was crystal clear from the bottom of the stairs. My heart dropped in suprise. Anna and Ag actually did it? Even though it was shocking, her reaction to Ag being here makes perfect sense. Especially since Ag is in fact dating someone. But, yet, my thoughts cut off with Anna screaming, and the sound of something breaking. Heading up the stairs, I heard Anna say through suppressed sobs, "Yeah, friends also don't say they love each other the way you said it to me. Let me jog your memory, the grad party? Before the sex, yeah." I knew I should let them hash it out, but at this point it was better off they needed some time away. Opening the door, Anna's mascara was smeared down her cheeks, her phone was cracked up against a clay pencil holder she made back in second grade, which was also cracked. Ag just stood there, her hands were shaking in the pockets of her shorts. When they both noticed me, they turned like a deer in headlights. Ag stormed past me, tears slowly escaping her face. That was the first time I ever saw Ag cry, and she cried over Anna. Over their fight. And, I know it wasn't because of her feelings getting hurt. It was because she did really care about Anna. When me and Anna locked eyes, she broke down, sliding down to the floor, cupping her face as she cried. I hated seeing Anna like this more than anything in the world, especially when I also was partially to blame.

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