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"Anna, I'm-" Emmi began to say as a pounding on the front door immediately averted her attention else where. Great. Who could it seriously be, it's eleven at night? But, that didn't stop Emmi's curiosity, it never does. As she trailed wearily down the stairs, I just thought to myself. Thought to myself, how fun it is to be alone again. Alone in the silence of your room, and the only thing, or one, to talk to is the thoughts in your head. Yet, it never works out quite well. Because, minutes become hours of straight up overthinking. I really should work on that. But, for some reason at that thought, my lips quirked up in a smile. Mainly because a memory of me and Ag danced behind my eyes. It was during August the month of my grad party, and right before the party actually began I was laying in my bed. In the white dress that my Mom thought was gorgeous on me, so did Ag when I snapped her a photo of it. And, of course her goofy self said how she couldn't wait to see it on me. But, that thought and memory eventually shifted. Now I was thinking about how Ag always use to help me in situations like these. She helped me feel more me, if that makes any sense. Hell, I'm not even quite sure it makes any sense to me, yet it does. God, I love that girl. My mind kept repeating to itself. But, one specific question tugged at the back of my mind as well. Why'd I have to be so stupid to push her away like that? Why again? Again, I pushed her away again, the last thought that ran through my mind as my eyes felt heavy all of the sudden. But, good things must come to an end, as my future peaceful slumber was disturbed with yet another pounding on a door. But, this time it was much more closer. Then I realized it was mine.

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