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"H-hey, Anna?" I asked wearily as I opened her door, noticing the atmosphere in the air around them was tense. What have I just walked in to? I wondered, but quickly shut off my brain looking back and forth between Ag and Anna, but mainly Ag. I need to talk to her, and when I do she's not going to like it but I need to tell her. "Hey, Emmi. What's up?" Anna said trying to be cheery, but it didn't exactly work out. Looking back at Ag, our eyes locked. Her eyes were burning intensely in to mine, causing me to gulp in response. She was starting to get angry again, I could tell. I just hope she doesn't snap on me like she did with Anna when she finds something out that is very upsetting. "C-can I borrow Ag, for a m-moment?" Ag's eyes were still fixed on me, as I tried looking at Anna, but I felt if I looked away for Ag she might kill me. After a moment of silence, Ag broke the death stare, and replied with her arms folded on to her chest, "Yeah." As Anna lowered her head, I replied right back, "Could we possibly go outside to talk?" She is not going to like this, my mind kept repeating to itself like a broken record. "Why can't we just do it in here?" She asked sneaking a small glance towards Anna, as she perked up only a tiny bit, but immediately drooped her head lower than what it was before when I replied, "Can we just go outside? Please?" I gestured to the door. "I guess." Ag finally reluctantly gave in. As she walked out the door, and faint footsteps grew less and less from her walking downstairs, Anna just looked up at me. And, back down. Not saying anything, and my heart broke at the sight of her. It was like she was a wounded animal, and it was scary seeing her that way. What exactly had I just interrupted on?

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