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Staring at her eyes shining so brightly in the stary night sky, she said, "Because, I love her." I knew I shouldn't have, but isn't that enough. Enough for fighting for? I could tell Ag really did mean it, honestly I've never seen her act this way before. And, every word that crossed her lips, she meant. Everything. Without saying anything I opened the door further, gesturing her to come in. It didn't matter what I said, because I could tell in this moment, she would do anything and everything she could do to talk to Anna. Even if it was a couple words, at least it was enough. As Ag walked in, she rubbed her hands down the sides of her shorts, as she breathed out heavily. You would have to be an idiot to not be able to tell she was nervous, and the thought of that made me smile. Her and Anna had a long history together, they were once strangers, as most friendships start out to be. Then became only mutal aquentences, then friends. Then best friends, but then not at all bringing them back to square one. But, they got back to it, their bond stronger than anything I have ever seen. And, somewhere in their up and down history, they both fell in love with each other. Not at the same time, but they both fell. And, they're still falling, whether they realize it or not. Ag is the reason Anna wakes up smiling, and the reason it stays on her face the whole day. Whether she realizes it or not, that smile on Anna, is so much more than just a smile. It shares all of her feelings towards her by physically showing it. And, if I'm being completely honest, I've never seen Anna as happy as she is around Ag. Even through all the bad, the worse, the ugly, she's still happy. Because, of Ag. "Anna's up the stairs." Is all I said, as I slowly closed the front door. And, Ag without a word, went up stairs.

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