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One knock on Anna's bedroom door became two, then theee, and so on. But, I would'nt stop. I couldn't. I need to talk to her, even if it's the last thing I'll ever do. "Ag," She whispered through the cracked door, her eyes red a puffy from what I had to guess was probably from crying. "Anna, can I come in?" I asked, in a mutual tone, showing Anna no anger filled it. As she opened the door and gestured me in to have a seat, I couldn't help but remember what Emmi had said. She didn't even try to fight me, she really was hurt beyond repair. "Anna, can we talk?" I asked, as she sat down facing me on the bed, but I faced the wall. She shrugged picking at her fingers. Something she did when she was either anxious or nervous. I took in a deep breath, trying to collect all my thoughts but my mind was blank. God, why was it blank now? "I broke up with Alexis, I didn't see a future with her. I think I thought I did, but she never was the one for me, because there is only one person for me, and that spots already claimed." I finally said, my chest rising and falling at a faster rate then usual. Her eyes kind of widened at what I said, almost as if she were shocked, but they quickly stopped, as she finally said, still whispering, "And, who's the lucky one?" Her voice cracked. Is she seriously that naive? How doesn't she know its her? It's always been her. "You." I said, now for the first time looking at her. Her eyes were still puffy, but they also were a shallow pale blue. I couldn't help but think how much pain and suffering she has witnessed with those eyes, I also couldn't help but think how I was a majority of all of it. But, at least whatever happens next determines our faith. But, at the same time does it even matter? Emmi's words danced and spinned throughout my head. Maybe the one good thing that I could do for Anna, is to step away. Maybe, it is time.

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