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I struck a nerve, because as soon as I said what I had said, Ag's eyes flaired. Her body was burning, wait why was I so close to her? I stepped back, as she started to laugh, looking around the room. "I came here because Emmi called me. Been having some dreams about me, huh?" My heart stopped, why did Emmi tell her about those. Ag's eyes were flairing up with fire, but in the corners tears begged to fall. Both my mind and heart were racing, I was honestly speechless. I can't tell her about my dreams, I just can't. She smirked at me being quiet, "So, I take that as a yes. But, here's what I find funny," She started to walk around me like I was her prey. "You're having these very, interesting, dreams about me. But, won't mention it to me. I message you, you won't reply. I call you, you won't pick up. I comment on posts, you delete them. Straight up ghosting me. Yet, have the audacity to ask why I'm here, and basically stating how I don't give a damn. But, yet, I'm here." She finally stopped, now just standing in front of me, her hands tucked in her short pockets, waiting for me to make the next move. "I didn't ask you to be, Ag. And, friends don't have to always talk to each other on a daily basis." I stated, she just rolled her tongue across her teeth in response, even though her mouth was closed. Nerves flooded my body, knowing whatever was about to come out of Ag's mouth wasn't going to be good.

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