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"What's up?" I asked watching Emmi walk down the stair case. Stopping at the bottom she seemed sad, but why? "Promise me you won't get mad, and take all your pent up anger out on me or Anna for that matter when I tell you this." She said dead serious, staring at me. What was so important that she had to talk to me alone, or what was so important that she would assume I'd be angry on? In all honestly, I'm not quite sure I even have the energy to be angry enough to lash out on anything and everything in my path like she presumed. "Okay, okay. I promise, now tell me, you're starting to freak me out." I said, watching her body movements. Something I always did in situations like these, I'm not even sure why I do it. I just do. "When you were talking to Anna, you left your phone down here." She said, looking at the table by the door where my phone layed. Wait, did she go through my phone? "Emmi, you better have not gone through my phone." I said sternly, but softened my voice realizing that maybe I get why she made me promise to keep my cool. But, why'd she go through it? I mean, if she wanted to know something so badly I would've told her, I mean, I'm not the type to lie. "Listen, I didn't go through your phone. However, your Mom kept blowing up your phone with calls. So, I picked up. I told her that you were busy and not near your phone so that's why you didn't answer." She now looked back up at me. "Okay?" I asked, I was confused to no end, but I wanted to see were this was going. So, she continued. "Ag, your Mom has bought you an earlier plane ticket. You leave tomorrow morning."

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