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"Anna!" I screamed from the bottom of the stair case, hoping to get Anna's attention. But, she was angry, an angry I have never seen her reach before. I thought I was doing a good thing, I mean, this was Ag after all. But, why is she so mad when she was the one who kept missing her? But, Anna didn't even acknowledge me, instead she just slammed the door to her bed room. Making the house very close to shaking right along with the slam of the painted white wooden door. Did I mess up that bad, my mind wandered, but stopped immediately when I felt a small faint tap on my shoulder. Ag was towering over me with her basketball player figure. "Maybe, I should try talking to her." Ag said quietly, glancing up at Anna's closed door, her eyes were dull, as I could feel like she was starting to regret her decision on coming here. In which I don't blame her. But, yet, I still couldn't shake the fact on why Anna was so infuriated. "I wouldn't, not right now at least. She's not someone to mess with when she gets heated. Although," I sighed looking back at her door now, "I've never seen her that," My voice trailed trying to find the words why my mind went blank. "Mad?" Ag suggested, more of a question then a real answer. I nodded, and she took a deep breath in, almost like she was hiding something. I guess I gave her a weird look at this because she seemed more anxious now. "Ag, what happened between you two. Honestly? I mean, I've heard Anna's, but what's your side?" I spoke, trying to ease my mind off of all these questions piling up like files on a desk. Hoping Ag could at least give me some relief, if not all. But, she just shook her head. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it. But, I also figured whatever happened between those two, it was much more deeper then both were leading on. Watching Ag make her way upstairs, I realized Anna never even told me exactly what happened. I suppose, it is none of my business, but something in my gut wanted to maybe think Anna was in the wrong in this case. Maybe, she was only upset because she did something to jeopardize their friendship, their possible romance. But, what could she have done to push Ag that far away from her? With that thought a light knock was placed on the door. Ag's ear pressed up against to hear clearly if it was okay to go in. But, all she did was just sigh and open the door, not even caring what Anna would say. Even though this had nothing to do with me, my heart raced. Scared of what was about to happen.

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