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"What the hell was that, Anna?" Emmi shouted at me, looking out my bedroom door, just making her point even more. Tears flowed down my face, as any words I wanted to form, just wouldn't come out. "I-I don't k-know." I stuttered out, my knees pressed up against my chest as I just sat there on the floor. Emmi looked infuriated, and to be honest, I don't blame her. I was a jerk. I was being a jerk to Ag, knowing that I shouldn't have been, but yet I was. And, any possibility of rekindling our friendship now, was all doomed. All because of me, all because I have to turn all these feelings that I feel towards Ag in to anger, or else I'll just break down in front of her. "Sure, you don't know. You know sometimes, Anna, I can't belive how stupid you are. She came here for you. She flew here, for you. And, you, you did that. That bullshit." She kept shouting, her voice echoing off the walls. Emmi really was angry at me. "I know!" I screamed, standing up quickly. I couldn't take it, I couldn't take her yelling at me anymore. "Anna," Her tone and eyes quickly went soft. "Ag cares about you, that's why she came. And, you do to, that's why I called her. I wanted you two to work it out, and I-I didn't think it would turn out like this. Look, I don't care what happened in you guy's past. Even though I heard, it doesn't matter. What matters is she's here. She's here for you. So, please. Please, don't throw your chance away." Her voice was soft and nurturing. The kind that reminded you of your Mom when ever you got hurt. Both physically and or mentally. I stood there just looking at Emmi, and she was just looking back at me. No words were spoken after what she said. Because, I knew what I had to do. I had to talk to Ag, I had to put everything aside and talk to her. Because, Emmi was right. It didn't matter about our past, what matters is now. The present.

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