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Leaving Anna's house I couldn't exactly tell you all the feelings that rushed through my veins. To be honest, I could barely even pick them out myself. But, two things were for certain. For one, I prayed to God that Ag would tell Anna before it's too late. And, number two, how come leaving there was the first time this whole night I was one hundred percent certain things would be okay? I started smiling at thhe thought of that, even though I didn't exactly know, I know, you know? It's just one of those feelings. The type of feelings that maybe you can't exactly explain this gut wrenching feeling that's found in the pit of your stomach, but yet you know, you know the outcome of things before it ever even happened. I guess, what I'm trying to say is that's how I feel. I know for the first time since Ag has gotten here that things will work out between Anna and her. Even if it takes time, I mean, it won't magically fix itself over night. But, yet I know one day, it'll be back to normal between them. And, maybe with luck, and their stubbornness aside, possibly something more. Something more where they can both be completely and genuinely honest with each other on the way exactly how they both feel. But, as of right now. I'm done having to worry about it, not until tomorrow at least when I come back to pick Anna up to go shopping. Because, whatever happens next is strictly their decision. But, I pray at least it works out for both of them in the end. I mean, that's all I can do now. Just let whatever happens happen between them.

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