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"Okay, okay. I'm coming, stop pounding trying to break-" I stopped my sentence as the door opened to see who was behind. "The door." I said shocked that Ag was standing right in front of me. But, also very confused. Why was she here? "Please, I need to talk to Anna. Please, let me in." Ag's words were almost going a hundred miles an hour, every word was rushed in urgency. Staring at her hazel eyes shifting between brown and green, I couldn't help but feel torn again. Part of me, wanted Ag to come and talk to Anna. Hopefully with a much better outcome this time. But, another part of me, a more stronger part of me was leaning towards not letting her in. After all, she hurt Anna. She hurt her far beyond repair, so what could Ag actually say to make a difference? Because, the way I see it, I see nothing. Other than a more hurt Anna, and this time, I'm not taking any more chances. "Ag, I'm not going to let you in." I finally said, after my long pause of mentally battling the double edged sword that was implanted in my brain. "Why?" She asked, hurt coursing through that one simple word. "Ag, you hurt Anna. Can't you see that? You hurt her, and I'm not going to take that chance again. Listen, I care about both of you. But, there comes a time when you have to pick and choose your battles. And, right now you seeing Anna, and you talking to her. Is not in the cards. For not only because you hurt her, but because, also I'm tried of this game going on Ag. Stop playing with Anna's feelings because you are unsure of your own. She's a human being, and she deserves more respect then what you are giving her right now. And, with that being said, I'm sorry but you're not coming in. And, if you ever try something like this again, well, let's just say I'm letting you off with a warning." I knew anger filled my voice, along with basically any and every other emotion. But, I was serious about what I had said. I don't want to see Anna hurt again. As I tried to close the door, Ag put her hand out to push it back open. As much as I tried to close it, it wouldn't budge, she sas far too much stronger then me. "Ag," I sighed, empathy traced through my voice now. "Please, Emmi. Me and her broke up, please. Let me talk to her." I finally stopped trying to fight the door, but I didn't let her in. I just stood there frozen, studying all other features, and facial expressions. She was being so genuine, and even though I wanted to it was hard. "Give me one good reason." I finally said, watching Ag's eyes twinkle in the cold, windy, dark sky of Michigan. "Because, I love her."

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