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I decided to not go back to my dorm room after me and Emmi's little talk, instead I decided to drive the extra five miles to be at home. My home. The place I grew up in, the place that held my most vulnerable memories, but yet also my happiest. The one true place in the world, other than in Ag's arms I feel truly safe in. Other than in Ag's arms, my mind dwelled on that thought, causing my lips to subconsciously quirk up in a smile. I tried so hard to believe all of this, these feelings, were unreal. But, the fact of the matter is, there too real to even suppress anymore. I can't hide them, I love Ag. I love someone who is taken. Someone who no matter what I do to make up to, blew my shot. My shot at having her. And, even if there was a chance, would she even take me back? Before I actually made it home I drove around a little bit, not even realizing how late it was. But, even if I had class in the morning, I needed to clear my head. To think through things, things that can't be not thought about any longer. Driving up my almost sandy colored driveway, I saw Emmi's car parked beside my Mom's. My heart thudded against my rib cage, not fast, but a low kind of slow thud. Not even noticing that my knuckles had turned white from gripping the steering wheel, I got out of my car. Why would Emmi lie to me? Why would she say she was going back to her dorm, yet show up to my Mom's, she knew I'd be here tonight. All these thoughts rushed through my head, but as soon as my foot stepped through the front door, all thoughts went away. My heart fell down. All feelings immediately replaced with anger. Why the fuck was Ag here?

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