1. Red Hair, Hazel Eyes

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Things were peaceful in the leaf village at this very moment in time, and it stayed like that for only two more seconds before you could hear bright laughter and people calling a red headed child who smiled so happily as he jumped from roof to roof.

"Naruto! Don't make me call your father." The child named Naruto laughed even more before panting even more of the Hokage's head, paying a lot of attention to the first female Hokage, Kushina Uzumaki.

"Blahhhhh." Was all Naruto said, and before he could run away, he decided to paint one more head which was the first Hokage, who he admired just for being the strongest man of his time.

Then he left, running away from the Anbu that Iruka had sent after him, and running away from his academy as well as Iruka and he had managed to run for a long time, but then he was caught, and he realized he was caught when he couldn't move, pouting and frowning.

He had an amazing run, but he wondered who snitched because Shika-San rarely left the tower to catch him unless somebody asked him too, and the only person that would've asked the Nara to catch him is his adopted father.

"Naruto, why are you panting the heads again?" He listened as his adopted father asked him and he didn't have an answer.

"I wanted too." The bright haired male sighed and looked down at Naruto, he promised Kushina that in the event of her and her husbands death he would watch the child, but he didn't bet on him gaining his mothers love for pranking.

Looking at the two faces he painted he must of have some clue as to why he painted the two people he had the most connection with.

"Thanks for coming Shikaku. I owe you one." Shikaku exhaled and nodded.

"You owe me a lot, troublesome blonde." Shikaku patted Naruto on the head and Minato walked back towards his house with his wife and child.

Minato Namikaze adopted Naruto when he was born, his mother and father had died protecting the village, and had a beautiful child with stunning red hair, and hazel eyes, whisker marks and creamy pale skin.

He was truly a Uzumaki-Senju, though he didn't carry either named, and Naruto refused to carry the Namikaze name because it didn't fit him in a sense.

He loved to cause trouble and often has to be dragged inside because of his love of Nature. He guessed that's why him and Shikamaru were best friends.

"You know, you remind me of Lady Fourth." Minato said to the child, he did mirror his mother perfectly, like to a Tee. That made Naruto smile a little as Minato continued talking.

"She was energetic and a ball of energy. Happy and always wanted to smile, loved pranks and a lot of people said she couldn't be Hokage because she wasn't serious." Naruto loved hearing about the woman he basically felt connected too.

"Her Husband Kiro Senju was serious, true to his clan and a nature buff, but he fell in love with the unpredictability of Kushina and helped her reach her goal." Naruto smiled.

"Do you wish to become Hokage Naruto?" Minato asked as they reached the door and Naruto hummed.

"I don't know, maybe. I really just admire Lady Fourth. She was the strongest Kage and she was always smiling. I like her a lot." Naruto said before open in the door, and speaking.

"We're home." Naruto called out and Minato's wife came from the kitchen.

"Welcome home boys, dinner is almost ready." Naruto hummed and went to head to his room, walking right passed their heir Menma Namikaze. He had bright hair and bright eyes but he didn't like Naruto for some reason.

Naruto didn't quite care and carried on about his day.

Naruto also didn't like the woman, Her name was Suki Yamahiro. Well Namikaze now, but she was a civilian kid who didn't pass the academy when her mother was in that class. She wasn't a ninja now, but she breeded with a powerful Jounin and wondered how she was able to do so.

"I won't be eating dinner, thanks Suki." Naruto said and she spoke calmly.

"You can call me Mom." Naruto cringed at that word.

"Suki is fine, Goodnight Suki, Minato." Naruto said closing his door and Suki sighed.

"I guess he doesn't really like us as his adopted parents." Suki said and Minato spoke.

"He really doesn't want to call anybody mom or dad. I'm sure it's because he knows his real ones are dead, he might believe nobody else deserves to be mom or dad." Minato said and Menma scoffed.

"He should be grateful you took him in, he's just a brat." Menma said and Minato spoke.

"He's very set in his ways, his way of thinking is his way. He's a good kid. Just stubborn." Minato said knowing that's exactly how his father was, he looked to his family and sighed.

"He's a great kid, lets eat dinner then."


A Few Things, and please take the time to read this.

Naruto is a Uzumaki and Senju as I stated, Minato is not his biological father in this fan fiction. His mother was the fourth Hokage, it was her dream in the anime and I made it reality in this book.

Naruto is a Jinchuriki and won't realize it until later on. Nobody knows Naruto is a Jinchuriki except his parents who took that secret to the grave.

Shikamaru and Naruto are best friends.

Nobody knows Naruto is Kushina and Kiro child besides Minato and villager leaders.

Kiro is an OC I made up and you'll see his connection to the senju clan later in the book!



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