15. Invasion

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"You look happy. Did you and sensei finally start dating?" Sakura asked, and Naruto hummed, watching as Sasuke fought against the sand Jinchuriki.

"We've has a date, and then I didn't leave his apartment until this morning." Naruto said, knowing Kakashi was in the stands watching them. Naruto won his fight against Neji. Sakura won her fight against Temari of the sand, and Sasuke was now fighting Gaara.

Everything was going good for now, and Naruto smiled as he saw Shiro running up to him, knowing Sky was probably with Kakashi. Naruto petted Shiro and kissed him on the forehead as Sakura smiled.

"You know I'm a little jealous. You and Kakashi are super cute." Sakura said and Naruto smiled.

"Are we? I think he's just a huge man child that wants nothing but cuddles." Naruto said thinking about how it felt for Kakashi to be needy and just want to be held. Naruto loved the attempt of him trying to hold a man that was a lot taller than him.

"Only you would be able to make sensei that way." Naruto rolled his eyes and turned back to Sasuke's match to see him struggling against a Jinchuriki but that is to be expected. Just when the fight was getting intresting, an explosion happened, and a mass Genjutsu covered the arena, but smart shinobi broke out of it easily.

Naruto looked down to Sasuke to see him in the middle of sound Shinobi. Naruto jumped down followed by Sakura as they surrounded Sasuke.

"Give is the Uchiha. Our Master needs his eyes." Naruto and Sakura looked at the people surrounding them.

"You can try and take Sasuke." Sakura said with her fist glowing green, while Naruto covered himself in red chakra.

"But you'll die for your transgression." Naruto said as Sasuke smiled.

"I have the best teammates ever." Team seven took off in the storm of sound shinobi. They were taking on crowd of them unaware of the looks they gained from seasoned Jounin and even the Hokage.

The Hokage's eyes on the team would be however short lived. He was trapped in a barrier with somebody he once called his best friend. A man drunk on the power of a clan he didn't belong to, a man that had Hashirama chakra and Uchiha eyes implanted in his arm.

It seemed he also managed to gain the help of the sand village. To attack them for the Uchiha and his death. This man was part of the reason why he didn't want to release that Naruto was a Uzumaki or Senju.

The two best clans to ever been produced by Kami, and that child didn't need to be poked and prodded for the nearby villages experiments.

"Have you come to kill me?" Hizuren asked, tossing his robe, following as his best friend Danzo did the same, showing the Sharigan on his arm.

"I've been planning too. I have wanted this the day Tombirama-Sensei picked your for the Hokage spot."

Sky was whining, desperately searching for her mother and Shiro. Kakashi was stuck fighting sound and sand Anbu, but he had been showing Sasuke some Jutsu's so his chakra wasn't fully there and he didn't have as much as Naruto.

"I'm okay Sky, Naruto will show up when he senses I'm in danger okay?" Sky only kept whining, she couldn't give Kakashi chakra because he wasn't mated to Naruto yet. Their bond was there, but not complete.

"Are you getting tired Kakashi?" Guy sensei said and Kakashi rolled his eyes.

Shikamaru felt betrayed, staring at Temari who he thought was his soulmate, she stood fighting for the wrong cause. Had they not meant to be together? Or was it supposed to be later in their life?

"How could you lead me on? You knew you were invading the village?" Shikamaru asked and the woman looked at him.

Her feelings weren't fake, but she would do anything her village asked her to, so she wouldn't see Shikamaru anymore.

"It was fake, for insight, for an escape route. To ensure this went off without a hitch."

"You are really rude, Shikamaru really liked you, and this man never likes anybody." Ino said she could feel better the hurt radiating from Shikamaru and all she wanted to do was kill Temari for hurting his friend and so she slammed the blonde woman into a building.

"You don't deserve another man in your life." Ino said slamming her head against the building of the wall, knowing she couldn't kill her.

"Talk to Shikamaru again, and me and Choji will fucking kill you." Ino tossed her body and kicked her in her chest.

"Come Shikamaru, lets see if we can track down momma fox to make you happy." A nickname that stuck to Naruto and nobody questioned it.

"Pathetic. You all are weak." Sasuke said and Shiro growled loudly, startling the people and Naruto smiled.

"Shiro Grow, Take me to Sky." Naruto climbed on Shiro's back, while looking at Sakura.

"Protect our brooding Uchiha." Sakura smiled and Sasuke scoffed as Shiro ran to where Kakashi was. He was aware of Sky's distressed pheromones.

Whines and soft mewls leaked from Sky as Kakashi barely dodged a Kunai, he was exhausting a lot of chakra and Sky could tell. He couldn't even activate his Sharigan and the sand had the upper hand right now and they would've had it had it now been for their arctic sage appearing.

"Kakashi, you pushed yourself" Naruto said glowing white as Naruto did some hand signs and slam it on the ground.

"Senjutsu Art; Blizzard." The wind blew strongly as the snow that was in the air started to thrash wildly, making the opponent's shield their eyes.

"Look at my boyfriend, you've all certainly done what you have to, to take him down." Naruto placed and open mouth kiss on his cheek and smiled at the men.

"Please don't hold it against me in the next life that I have killed you all." Naruto said softly as the sage blew throughout the entire arena, killing everybody that didn't belong and promptly stopped the invasion.

Those who felt the chakra ran back to their village, Kakashi stood up, feeling a little better. He looked down at Naruto and kissed his nose.

"Head home, we have to see the status of the Hokage." Naruto smiled.

"Can I go to yours? No offense I live downstairs anyways." Kakashi sighed and nodded.

"You might as well just move in, but get home safe" Naruto pulled Kakashi down and kissed him softly pulling away and  leaving Kakashi and Guy alone in the stadium.


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