8. Wakey Wakey

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"Warm." Naruto grumbled, snuggling deeper into the pillow that was conveniently a body pillow. It smelled really good, like, he couldn't describe the smell he just knew the smell was something that calmed him and Naruto even wanted to smell more of it.

"If you're up, you can let go of me." The pillow said and Naruto whined.

"He should be fine, you'll watch him right sensei?" Sakura said brushing out her long hair and throwing it into a ponytail. Sasuke came in the room and hummed.

"Yeah let him rest, the more he rest the better he'll be for a spar." Sasuke said and Sakura rolled her eyes.

"That's all your friendship is built on? Spars?" Sakura said and Naruto hummed latching harder onto his 'Pillow'

"Sasuke just wants somebody to get strong with, I'm glad he chose me." Naruto opened his hazel eyes and smiled, looking at Sasuke to see his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink.

"I'm fine Sasuke, would you like that spar?" Sakura walked over to Naruto and pushed his hair out of his face.

"You passed out from Chakra exhaustion. Are you feeling a little better? How much chakra you have back?" Sakura asked and Naruto hummed into the chest he was laying on, knowing it was his sensei but he felt oddly calm laying on this man.

"I have all of it. Me and Sky haven't been able to practice that much due to reasons, but I'm fine." Naruto sat up quickly, being dressed in a shirt that didn't belong to him, he stood up and looked around the room.

"Where is Sky?" Naruto was in a long sleeve navy shirt, that barely covered his butt, and Sasuke took one look at his best friend and then to Kakashi who's eyes didn't stray from Naruto's behind.

"Where is my child, KAKASHI." Naruto whipped his head to see that Kakashi sat up and scratched his head, missing his shirt since he decided to put it on Naruto.

"She was laying next to you. I didn't see her leave." Naruto scoffed and tossed on pants and grumbled.

"Baka, Sensei you can't even watch my child while I'm knocked out from chakra exhaustion!" Naruto walked downstairs and Sakura chuckled a little.

"It's like you both are married." Sasuke chuckled as well.

"Sensei is marking his territory, you better be ready for the onslaught of men. Come Sakura let's see if we can calm momma fox down." Sakura hummed and patted Kakashi on his hair while they walked down to see Naruto.

There was a howl and an energetic Yelp, and Naruto sighed as he saw a young child and Sky play with one another. Naruto smiled and placed his hand on his heart as he calmed down.

"Oh hello, glad to see you are finally awake. I'm Tsunami and that's my son Inari." Naruto smiled and nodded.

"Sorry for being asleep, I was exhausted. I was worried about Sky. Has she been okay?" Naruto asked Tsunami and Tsunami smiled.

"She's been fine, she stayed by your side the first day and then she found Inari, they've been attached at the hip." Naruto nodded calming his racing heart as Sasuke and Sakura came and saw that he was calm.

Kakashi came down fully dressed, and saw that Naruto was a lot calmer now that he knew where sky was. He watched as the child saw Naruto and look to Sky.

"Look your mom is awake." Sky turned and ran into Naruto's arms and Naruto calmed down significantly.

"Was Kakashi not watching you?" Naruto asked Sky and Sky spoke.

"He was too busy watching you. Inari was good to me." Naruto hummed and took Sky upstairs, having her spill everything Kakashi had done for him, while Kakashi looked at his other Genin.

"Let's go and watch the bridge, let Naruto spend the day with sky." Sakura chuckled.

"You are whipped. Ah to be in love with somebody like Sensei loves Naruto." Sakura said and Sasuke hummed.

"Come on, I know we aren't your favorite Genin, but you still have to pay attention to us too." Kakashi scoffed and looked at the duo.

"You two belong together." Kakashi said walking passed his Genin who shared a fist bump and followed their sensei.

Naruto laid in Kakashi shirt and listened to Sky talk to him. Naruto smiled when he realized Kakashi stayed with him in bed, made sure he was okay, didn't leave his side. He looked at Sky and sighed.

"Do I like him? Is this a crush?" Naruto asked, and Sky hummed, nuzzling Naruto resting in the crook of his neck.

"You must be overwhelmed, do you want to spend your life with him? He does make you happy, even when he's stupid." Naruto sighed and felt like he was going to drift back to sleep.

"Maybe I should grab him for a training date then. Just the two of us?" Sky hummed.

"I think that's a great idea. You should rest a little more." Naruto hummed and drifted back to sleep, with Sky right behind him.

At the bridge, they were helping the bridge builder with work, they were on pace to be finished and then some no named thug tried stop them from building the bridge. However Kakashi had told his Genin to finish building the bridge and he would handle the bandits to which he did.

He came back not a single drop of blood on him as he helped the bridge as other people went to get rid of the bodies. When they returned home, hopeful that the mission would take only a few more days, they saw Naruto still in Kakashi's shirt with his hair up laughing with Tsunami and Sky on his head.

"Welcome home." Naruto said turning around and Sakura smiled.

"Thank you honey, I'm home." Sakura chuckled and Sasuke hummed.

"It's smells good babe, thank for dinner." Naruto chuckled and flicked both of them on their foreheads.

"You two are the absolute worst. I cannot believe we are friends." Naruto said scoffing and the fifteen years old who chuckled and sat at the table.

"Tazuna, Kakashi are we eating?" Naruto asked and Kakashi sat down, still not saying a word to Naruto but his eyes were glued to Naruto the entire time.



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