2. Red and White Hair

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Naruto was awakened by his best friend, he yawned and pushed the teen over and laid next to him taking a little bit of the blankets from his friends and yawning.

"It's about to rain." Naruto opened his eyes to look over at Shikamaru who opened his eyes knowing his best friend was staring at him.

"Is it now?" Naruto spoke, and Shikamaru sighed.

"I missed you, I've been training with Choji Ino these passed few weekends." Shikamaru said and Naruto hummed.

"Yeah, I've been painting the faces to pass the time." Shikamaru chuckled and nodded his head.

"Father told me, he said I needed to keep a leash on you, he was tired of fetching you." Naruto laughed.

"I'm not something to be tamed, it's like I'm a fox." Naruto said and Shikamaru hummed.

"Why compare yourself to a fox? There are other animals, like lions and tigers. Other dominating animals." Shikamaru said and Naruto looked up at the ceiling, he smiled a little.

"I just feel connected to a fox more than any other animals, there are these connections that I follow. It's what drew me to you, and your family. I can't explain it, but it's like my very being knows who's good for me and who isn't." Naruto said and Shikamaru hummed a little.

"I wish I had that skill.  Want to continue our nap?" Naruto closed his eyes and nodded.

"Sure, though I don't think it's going to rain. It might snow Shikamaru." Shikamaru shrugged and spoke.

"Well you would know, you are in tune with nature. I just like to gaze." They two geniuses headed back to sleep for a little unaware of the people looking for them.

Said people didn't know where either child was even at though they were sleeping contently in Naruto's bed. Shikamaru was supposed to train with Ino and Choji while Naruto said he would go with Minato to the Uchiha's but nobody bothered to check their beds because they were supposed to meet them outside the academy that they both seemed to skip today.

Naruto woke first, not having that Nara gene of sleeping all day everyday as if their lives depended on it, which sometimes it did. Shikamaru enjoyed Naruto's company because he understood his laziness and the way his brain thought more than Choji and Ino.

Shikamaru didn't mind the energetic teen because then he could calm himself down when they were planted in nature. Shikamaru often wandered if Naruto was one of those people who could turn nature energy into chakra without the help of training.

It makes sense that somebody so in tune with Nature will be a sage.

Naruto sat up and opened his window, looking out side he smiled. It's snowing, he knew it wasn't going to rain and he heard a groan behind him.

"It's snowing, congratulations Naruto." Naruto shook his head and went to his closet, he went to grab his coat and scarf, gloves and socks. He was going in the snow and Shikamaru sighed.

"I'll watch you from the window. I don't have my snow clothes." Naruto hummed.

"Go back to sleep, I'll go pick up your clothes so you get home tonight. Sleep well." Naruto said and Shikamaru smiled.

"This is why you are my best friend. Have fun." Naruto left his home and with a small smile on his face as he walked through the snow covered village, he felt at peace, as if this was his season. He wasn't paying attention and almost felt when something jumped into his chest and he caught it. Tumbling a bit Naruto looked down and saw a Arctic fox.

He saw the fox yip happily and Naruto hummed, he felt strangely connected to this fox, who seemed to be comforted by his chakra, with a tap of the blue marking on the fox's head, Naruto suddenly felt like his chakra was being pushed around like a snowstorm.

He gasped a little and panted a little as his chakra now felt cold, ice cold, but now with all these layers on he felt hot. The fox scurried and climbed on top of Naruto's head, as his red hair was invaded with the color white.

He hadn't known so he continued his pace to Shikamaru's house. He walked in and announced himself but nobody seemed to be home so he went to grab Shikamaru's clothes, and petted the fox that didn't want to leave him.

"Do you have a name?" Naruto questioned and the fox replied with.

"Sky. Glad to see we have somebody that can use our sage." Naruto hummed.

"What kind of sage?" Naruto said leaving the house and heading back to his. Ignoring the looks of other people as he continued walking. The fourteen year old didn't mind the looks. 

"Arctic Sage. We'll go more in detail once you've allowed the chakra to settle, well really your jailer." Naruto hummed unsure of what Sky meant but walked back into his house ignoring Menma sulking on the couch and Suki in the kitchen starting on dinner. Walking with his fox he saw Shikamaru sleeping. Naruto stripped from his coat and looked at Shikamaru.

"Hey wake up and look at me." Shikamaru groaned and opened his eyes, he looked at Naruto and then closed his eyes before humming and opening his eyes again.

"Your hair is red and white. Did you dye it?" Shikamaru asked and the he saw a fox nuzzling into Naruto's feet that was as white as the snow that fell and Naruto looked at Shikamaru.

"I'm a sage." Naruto said calmly, and Shikamaru didn't say anything other than letting a chuckle escaped his mouth as he watch Naruto frown and fold his arms while the fox tried desperately to be picked up by Naruto again.

"A fox sage, a Arctic Fox Sage." Naruto stresses picking Sky up, watching as she immediately nuzzled into him, Shikamaru smiled and spoke.

"I've always known you'd be a sage, but to show this early." Shikamaru stood up because he knew he had to get dressed and head home.

"You'll be an amazing sage, Congratulations." Shikamaru ruffled Naruto's hair and Naruto smiled.

"Thank you."


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