11. Final Jutsu

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"You all are nominating your Genin?" Hizuren asked the three rookie teams that made it that year. He was a little shocked Kakashi had full faith within his Genin to see that they could pass the exams.

"That's suicide. They haven't even experienced the world yet. You need to develop your team." Team Nine sensei said to his best friend, he didn't think these children were ready in a shirt eight months, they needed a few more to be good as his Genin.

"My Genin are capable. They've been on a lot of C-Rank and even two A-Rank and haven't failed a mission. Their teamwork is impeccable, and they are above the level of Chunin." Kakashi said looking to Hizuren who only nodded.

"Sure, then the Exams start in a week, here are their passes. Have them meet at the academy if they wish to take it." Hizuren said and he hummed quietly.

"You are dismissed." So the Jounin grumbled and Kakashi made sure to keep the tickets in a safe place, when he walked out with a nagging Guy following behind him, he was greeted with his favorite Genin in a training uniform and Sky in his hands. Looking boredly until he spotted Kakashi.

"Sensei, are you up for some training?" Naruto wanted to spend time with Kakashi, a sudden need that overcame him lately which he tried to stifle away but he couldn't. Kakashi nodded and watch the smile that appeared on Naruto's face.

"Great there's a spot I want you to see. It's where I do my sage training." The Jounin looked at Naruto with a look of shock.


"That's a hard specialty."

"What do you expect from a child who had to be dragged home for not wanting to come inside."

"Happy learning Naruto-Kun." Naruto waved happily to the other Jounin but Kakashi didn't like that, he wrapped his arm around Naruto and started walking towards the forest of death.

"Tch." Kakashi found himself annoyed now. Why did everybody think they could have access to what belonged to him. Naruto hummed, he didn't mind being this close to Kakashi, listen to him grumbling about something that didn't make sense to him, and so he started talking.

"So me and Sky have been practicing. Arctic sage is rare and so all of the answers weren't there but this spot is how me and Sky figure out what else we can do." Naruto said as they walked in the forest of death.

"It seems like you are almost done to me. Your sage feels intimidating when you enter it, even to shinobi like me." Naruto smiled at the compliment, but sighed. Kakashi dropped his arm from Naruto, which made Sky whine.

"What's the matter Sky?" Kakashi asked, and Sky whined even more. Naruto hummed a little petting her as they walked through the forest.

"There's one more thing we have to master but, then I'll be a full fledge sage. Though I feel as though I'll be incomplete." Naruto said confiding in Kakashi who only hummed.

"Like something ninja wise, or person wise?" Naruto sighed and leaned into Kakashi listening as Sky made a happy mewl. Naruto looked down at Sky and shook his head.

"Not sure. I'll let you know when I know." Naruto said and Kakashi nodded, when they walked to the one spot, it was a water fall. Which made sense because Naruto's Senjutsu was Snow.

Snow release in itself was rare, and snow senjutsu was even rarer. It required wind and water nature transformation, but then you had to be able to make both the water and the wind ice cold or be able to make snow in their first place.

Then to mold that snow in anyways you want, it required a lot of chakra, a lot of thought and a lot of concentration. He admired Naruto for being able to do so.

Though he was really in love with his student, and he wasn't sure how to go about it, or if he should even go about it at all.

"Sure, so am I watching you train? Or are we actually training together." Naruto chuckled and sat Sky down.

"We are going to train, but I'm close to a breakthrough. Mind watching me for a little?" Kakashi sat down and shook his head.

"Not at all." Kakashi said and so Naruto and sky ran over to the water. Naruto and Sky begun to glow. Naruto knows there is a powerful Jutsu that he could use to turn the tides of battle but he sat and meditated with Sky.

"He should be accustom to the chakra now." Sky said and Naruto hummed.

"He?" Sky nodded.

"Try using all of your chakra." Naruto was confused, but nodded and soon the cold chakra was swirling with hot chakra, yet the fire wasn't melting the snow. It was moving and thriving with it.

"You can try and call for that ultimate Jutsu. Our chakras sync really well."

Kakashi watched as the water thrashed wildly before it froze completely before it turned to snow, but then the water below it boiled, until it turned into a furnace and then it looked like he was standing on fire but it was snowing.

"Senjutsu Art; Burial at the freezing furnace." Naruto said as the named tumbled off of his lips easily, the fire violently shot around being surrounded by the freezing wind and snow and Naruto smiled happily, when he felt complete.

"That was it." Naruto said releasing the hold on his chakra that actually mixed, he didn't feel the heated chakra leave his system. He chuckled before sighed.

"I did it." Naruto said and he looked up to heaven, he smiled sadly. Kakashi tilted his head as he saw tears start to form in Naruto's eyes.

"I did it." Kakashi stood up and walked to Naruto. He hugged Naruto and listened as Naruto started crying, he wasn't sure why he was crying.

"Why are you crying? You did it?" Kakashi asked and rubbing Naruto's back, Naruto hiccuped and sighed.

"I was able to become this powerful sage, and my parents are dead! They aren't here to be proud of me, and I want somebody to be proud of me." Naruto's cried, and Kakashi sighed, he held Naruto just a little tighter.

"I know what it means to want to have your parents approval, but not being able to receive it hurts too. So I'll say this Naruto." Naruto held Kakashi tight as he cried, his eyes closed as he felt Kakashi run his hand through his mixed color hair and he spoke.

"I'm proud of you, from you learning sage with no sensei, from you helping your teammates and comrades, from you leaving that home from that woman that wanted to kill you." Naruto relaxed and Kakashi continued.

"You are amazing, and I'm sure that your parents, whoever they may be is proud of everything you accomplished at a young age." Naruto closed his eyes and he smelled Kakashi's calming scent.

"You want me to take you home? Or do you want to train some more." Naruto sighed softly.

"Thank you Kakashi." Naruto said ignoring the question so Kakashi just continued to hold Naruto.


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