19. Happy Birthday to Me

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Naruto yawned, singing him a song as he started to make something to eat. Kakashi was gone again. He missed him of course he did, but he was a special Jounin. He was needed more that a recently promoted Chunin right now and Naruto has to suck it up. He and Kakashi had been dating for five months now, and it was perfect. Naruto hadn't had an issue about anything.

Kakashi treats him like a princess, his word was absolute and whatever he wanted Kakashi handed to him on a silver platter.

However he missed his future husband. Shiro went with him on the mission, Sky was also in a sullen mood, yet Naruto knew why. He could tell that Sky and Shiro were mates, much like he and Kakashi are.

Once he made himself some breakfast Naruto decided he should check on Menma. He wondered how Minato was handling that the fact that a female was manipulating Menma, with no word as to why she want too.

Naruto was curious as to what was going on, but was too busy dealing with fatigue to not want to go out anywhere and so he dressed and headed to Minato, wanting to see if he needed any help since his advisor was out as well.

So as he left the home, and his red and white hair blew in the fall air, the autumn leaves falling as the sky shined on the people of the village. After a major invasion the village looked better. The leaf village used it to their advantage and made their village better.

Advancing it with trains and railroads. Televisions and bigger and better store designs, finally all that money that was saved went to good use, and Ninja and civilians alike had things to do when there wasn't any work.

When he made it to the tower, there was Menma and Minato bonding, Menma looked happy for once and Minato did as well. He went to leave quietly but he was spotted, but not by who he thought. He was spotted by Menma.

"Naruto, would you like to help us file papers?" Menma said calmly. He hadn't acted the way he should've. His mother was manipulating him, making him act out and hating Naruto and even made him a seal that would kill him had he told anybody.

His mother wanted him to go down for her hatred for Naruto, so she could be alone with Minato because she was a psychopathic woman who adored a male who only used her as a rebound.

Married her out of pity, so Menma could have both parents. There wasn't any love when Menma was born for the other. Minato only loved Menma.

A mess of a family but Naruto was glad that they made it.

"I really want to know when Kakashi is expected back." Naruto said and Menma nodded going to find the mission that Kakashi was on.

"You've been feeling better? I know you stated you were under the weather." Naruto sighed and walked to Minato.

"I'm still a little under the weather, though it's bearable. A lot of fatigue, and cramping pains. I'm sure I'm just sick."

"Impossible for you to get sick with me inside you. You might be with child."

Naruto frowned and thought back to him and Kakashi. Before he left they had a week off and spent it having sex, though they wore a condom.

"Not on the first day I believe."

"Naruto did you hear me?" Menma asked and Naruto folded his arms.

No he was sure he had Kakashi put on a condom.

"I don't believe he did. My chakra wouldn't react like this unless I were protecting an heir.

"He should be home in an hour. He was eliminating Danzo bases in the lands with Asuma and Shikaku." Menma said and Naruto huffed.

"Fuck. I hate him." The sixteen year old said, sitting on the couch pouting a little. There was a dog that was Kakashi summons that appeared in the office, handing the Hokage a letter. Minato read it and looked at Naruto who looked mad as hell.

"Their mission stalled, he'll be home in another month." Naruto heard him but ignored him.

"How far along?" Naruto asked and Kurama spoke.

"About two months, Happy Birthday by the way."

Oh it's October tenth.

He hadn't even noticed, he stood and looked to Menma and Minato.

"See ya. I'm heading home." Naruto didn't wait for an answer and left. He went to buy several pregnancy test, because he couldn't rely on one brand, having the guy look at him all weird.

"Just put the damn test in the bag, take the money and shut the hell up!" Naruto's said and the man nodded, Naruto snatched the bags and headed to his home.

"Naruto, I stopped by your apartment. Where????" Naruto snatched up Shikamaru's hand and didn't say anything else, walking to his home with Shikamaru in tow Shikamaru was ultimately confused.

"Stand outside this door, talk to me for five minutes okay?" Naruto said once he pulled Shikamaru to the door, Shikamaru had dealt with this crazy all his life so he nodded, heard Naruto lock the door when he shut it and multiple boxes being flung around and stuff dropping to the floor.

"I had a mission to Suna, and I saw Temari again." Shikamaru sighed and and Naruto spoke.

"How was that?" Shikamaru chuckled.

"She didn't even attempt to wait, she's getting married. To a sound ninja named Kimimaro. She tried to explain herself but I was upset." Naruto spoke.

"As you should be, did she say she loved you like you loved her?" Shikamaru rolled his eyes.

"She likes me, however she said we wouldn't had mixed. I was too lazy, I nodded and handed a treaty to Gaara and left with Neji." Naruto heard how he said Neji so fondly.

"You and Neji." Shikamaru held a smile and nodded.

"Yeah, though it was rocky at first. A battling of the wits is what is was, but if you could see the way he submits to me." Naruto chuckled.

"Ah you are a fucking lunatic. Though I'm happy." Naruto said and Shikamaru smiled.

"About me? Or about what you found out." Naruto opened the door holding five test with the same results, handing them to Shikamaru he spoke.

"You first, but also about this." Naruto said looking at the five positive pregnancy test.

"Ah well happy birthday Mother." Naruto snorted and laughed leaning into his best friend as he imagined his child or children.

"Yeah, happy birthday to me ." Naruto whispered softly.


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