18. Fluff/ Smut

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"Kakashi." Naruto said coming back in the room after coming out of the shower. Kakashi still laid in bed, semi-sleep even though they slept the last few days away. Minato has given them both time off and they decided to spend it together. They hadn't seen much of the other with Kakashi duties and Naruto's training and mission taking so they were happy to have a week off.

Especially since Naruto could feel his attachment to Kakashi grow with every passing moment.

"Come back to bed, we don't have any plans." Kakashi said groaning. Shiro and Sky slept in a twin bed that they put in the room downstairs. Naruto wore one of Kakashi's shirt with nothing underneath and he walked over to straddle his lap.

"Sure, but you can at least act like you like my body." Naruto said and Kakashi opened his eyes, he slept with his mask on and he looked to see Naruto's hair in a ponytail, his little baby hairs hanging out and his whisker marks shined.

"I was unaware that you wanted to be intimate. I do dream about this body. Often." Naruto smiled, licking his lips he laid his body on Kakashi's.

Kakashi wrapped his arms around Naruto's back, and sighed. He didn't know what he done to deserve Naruto. He was such a kind soul, beautiful and he drew people to him like a magnet.

He was blessed, with him.

"So I was thinking." Naruto said, he made all the moves in the relationship. He wasn't upset because Kakashi was ready for anything he offered, he was older so his attentions was to settle down when he accepted Naruto's invitation to a date.

Naruto knew that Kakashi would agree to this, one step closer to having Kakashi's children. Kakashi was a softie, he really wasn't intimidating to Naruto like he was to other people, though Naruto was the type of person to break somebody down and make them soft.

Look at Sasuke.

"You always think." Kakashi said closing his eyes and just relishing the feeling of Naruto against him.

"Let's get a home together. A place to raise our future children and our two current children." Naruto said and Kakashi hummed.

"Of course. We can house hunt later?" Naruto nodded and leaned up to kiss Kakashi. Kakashi kisses back and it was slow and passionate, nothing to riling, but then Kakashi heard Naruto moan.

"Kakashi." That came out like a breathless mess, as it was softly pushed out of Naruto's throat, which was followed by a head toss and Naruto's unintentionally grounded against Kakashi's semi hard member.

Which made Kakashi go crazy.

"I thought we were just going to lay in bed, pass the time while I was reading porn." Naruto somehow ended on his back, while Kakashi hovered over him with his mask and hi-ate. Naruto looked at him and found a face that looked to be so seductive.

"If you wanted to reenact a scene in my book just ask me. Naruto." Naruto gulped and Kakashi sighed, running his hand down Naruto's skin, that was ultimately perfect. Scar free, and smooth.

"So, what do you say? Which scene would you like to reenact?" Kakashi hummed as Naruto only gasped and whiners under Kakashi and Kakashi spoke.

"I know the perfect scene, you don't mind right?" Kakashi somehow managed to tie Naruto's hands together and hung them on the fan in his room. Spreading his legs as Naruto's body was straight up with his knees against the bed.

"As much as I love those Hazel eyes, I'm covering them now." Kakashi spoke huskily, Naruto was panting, Kakashi breathe was so close, he heart was pounding. His member was leaking.

"I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, but I could tell this scene made you horny." Kakashi voiced in Naruto's ear watching him shutter in pleasure.

"I'll go slow, it is your first time." Naruto bit his lip as Kakashi licked his lips and placed his hand on Naruto's member, hearing him stifle the moan.

"Don't do that, scream, allow me to hear those moans." Kakashi said and Naruto moaned loudly.

"I'll make you feel good for the next few days, Naruto."

Naruto wasn't sure what was happening but he felt good. Kakashi hands were all over him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Loving the way Kakashi was soft and hard then sweet and dominating.

"I'm going in now. Let me know if it's too much."

That's what Kakashi said, but going in wasn't enough. He needed more, he panted and Kakashi watched as Naruto's head was hung in front of him as he took death breathes, the calming aura and scent around him was making his mind hazy.

"Are you alright?" Kakashi asked, and Naruto felt his heart swell with love, and so he smiled.

"Yeah, I'm alright. You can move." Naruto definitely didn't notice the way Kurama's chakra moved around his lower body. He was however aware of the pleasure he was feeling. He was aware of the thrusts and the bites and the hickeys and even the hair pulling.

"Harder, Faster." Naruto said softly, and Kakashi felt himself harden, his member leaked more, and he only chuckled much like always does in Naruto's company.

"Ah you want me to go faster, you'll have to beg." Kakashi said slowing the pace, Naruto thought he would jus move his hips to spite Kakashi but it wasn't enough friction.

"Kakashi, please thrust faster within me. Please."

"Of course, hold on. Or in your case, keep hanging."

Everything ached, but Naruto's body felt so relaxed. It was his last day with Kakashi and he was sure Kakashi would be called for a mission soon. Naruto rolled over in the bed groaning a little when he didn't feel, Kakashi and or his children in the bed with him.

Yet he couldn't move.

"So unfair. He left me in this bed alone."

"I've done no such thing. Do you not want breakfast?" Naruto opened his eyes and saw Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke.

"Let's have a movie day? There's room. Right?" Sakura said getting on the other side of Naruto while Sasuke laid on Sakura's lap.

"We've missed you, as friends of course. Sakura would not shut up." Naruto chuckled as him and Kakashi snuggled within one another as they all ate breakfast while Sasuke found a movie.

"I've missed you both too." Naruto said and Kakashi looked as if he was heading back to sleep.

"I love you." Naruto smiled until the door creaked opened and Shiro and Sky came up and jumped in the bed and snuggled into their parents.

"I love you all." Naruto said happily, and everybody smiled and started watching the movie.


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