10. Filler/Practice

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"You can stay with me, you don't have to look for an apartment." Shikamaru said, as they walked to their team meeting. Team seven and team ten were having a spar. Team versus team that the Jounin thought up. Minato still hadn't been home, so he didn't realize Naruto moved out, but Naruto wasn't going to live with anybody who was settling down.

"Thanks, but I'm sure I can find an apartment I can afford. There is a lot of one bedroom apartments for ninjas." Naruto said and Sky yelped, because she was tired of walking. Naruto picked her up and looked to Shikamaru to see him sighing.

"Fine, but I'll help you and make sure no creeps live around you." Naruto smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing. Thanks for believing in me." Shikamaru sighed.

"Of course, I can't believe somebody soul was so ugly, that they blamed a child for their misfortune. That's what's wrong with the world now." Shikamaru said and Naruto leaned into the taller male, sighing a little.

"Well now I don't need to deal with it. I at least know why Menma hates me too. Thinks I stole his dad. At least Menma never tried to kill me though. He just hated me." Naruto shrugged and Shikamaru hummed.

"Are you going to try and talk to him?" Naruto snorted as they stumbled upon the training ground where they saw that Ino was trying to talk to Sasuke, but Sakura only stood in front of him to shield her friend from the annoying girl. Choji ate calmly, and Asuma pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Nope, that's not my problem to fix. That's on Minato for ignoring his heir. I wasn't the problem so why should I be the solution?" Naruto said and Shikamaru nodded.

"Ino, shut up. Clearly Sakura and Sasuke are dating." Shikamaru said and Sakura gagged and so did Sasuke.

"Absolutely not, date this idiotic Uchiha with a brother complex?" Sakura said and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"As if I want my Uchiha child to have a cold unfeeling mother with pink hair who can't cook." Sakura gasped and shoved Sasuke who only chuckled and pushed her back. The duo started laughing as Naruto hummed.

"Hey let me join." Naruto handed Sky over to Shikamaru and joined his Friends who were giggling and tagging the other. Sakura hair was in a bun on her head, and Naruto's was flat against his back.

Team ten watched Team seven have a great time, and was waiting for Kakashi to show up, which he did. About a hour later to see his Genin sitting together with Naruto in the middle, they seemed to be talking about something serious to which made him walk over there.

"You can live with me, I'd have to sneak you in like a alley cat though." Sakura said and Naruto along with Sasuke laughed, and Naruto shook his head.

"I'm fine to find an apartment. I can't live in that home ya know." Sasuke sighed.

"Why didn't you tell us she was trying to kill you?" Sasuke said and Naruto leaned his head on his shoulder.

"I didn't want to worry you both. You both are trying to become outstanding Ninja's and I didn't want to effect your training. She hasn't done anything since I left so." Sakura places her head on Naruto's shoulder. They wrapped their arms around Naruto and sighed.

"Doesn't matter, we are teammates. We would've taken you out of that home. How about we help you house hunt then?" Sakura said and Naruto nodded.

"Thank you both. You are the best." The trio hadn't realize Kakashi was there until he squatted down and looked at Naruto.

"My apartment complex is cheap, and you'll be close to where I can keep an eye on you." Naruto smiled and his other Genin smirked.

"Just ask him to move in with you." Sakura said and Sasuke hummed.

"Yeah Sensei, ask him out while you're at it." Kakashi rolled his eyes and gave Naruto a smile.

"Think about it, lets start training now." Kakashi ruffled Naruto's hair and went over to Asuma, but he was being followed by Sky who begged for his attention. Asuma ans Kakashi caught up while Naruto decided they should have a team battle.

"Team versus team? Yeah?" Naruto asked and Shikamaru nodded. Asuma and Kakashi hadn't even finished their conversation when they heard metal against metal.

"Sorry but I don't fancy being the weak link." Ino said and Naruto smiled.

"How cute, you'll need more training if you think you can take me and my team down." Naruto said as him and Ino started engaging in Taijutsu.

"Come one Shikamaru, fight like a man. You must know a little Taijutsu." Sakura said as Shikamaru just dodged and didn't engage back, clicking his teeth in annoyance.

"Should've known Naruto would've made you monsters." Shikamaru said, taking out a Kunai while Sasuke and Choji were moving hand to hand.

"Come on Choji, show me your clan Jutsu. I'm worth it aren't I?" Sasuke said and Choji continued dodging fist coming to his face.

"Your Genin are good. Good handle on their chakra, aware of their surroundings, it's as if I'm looking at seasoned Ninja's." Asuma said lightning a cigarette. Kakashi felt pride flutter in his chest but also happiness, because he trained them just as much as Naruto trained them and himself.

"Your Genin aren't too bad either." Asuma chuckled.

"My Genin are definitely low Chunin, but yours are knocking on Jounin level. What have y'all been doing for training?" Kakashi hummed as he remembered their training with Yamato, and even with Ibiki.

"I have them train with other people. I can only show them so much before they know everything I know." Kakashi said and Naruto ended up tying Ino up.

"You put up an amazing fight Ino. We should Spar again." Naruto said going to help Sakura seeing as Shikamaru was deploying his shadows.

"Good Fight Choji." Sasuke said leaving him in a Genjutsu and Shikamaru clicked his teeth and held his hand up.

"Fine Team seven is superior to team ten." Naruto smiled and then clasped his hand.

"So, how about I tell you three what you need to work on?" Naruto said having Sakura and Sasuke fetch Choji and Ino so they could improve before the Chunin exams.

"You Genin are truly smart. You were blessed Kakashi. Even as lucky as to be gifted with sunshine and happiness on your team." Kakashi nodded and sighed watching as Naruto explained their flaws.

"I thank Kami everyday."


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