3. Graduation

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"Settle down children, Naruto and Sky aren't caged animals." The class gathered around Naruto and his arctic fox who chose to snuggle into Naruto being frightened by the children.

"You all are making sky nervous, back away please." Naruto said calmly at first and somebody scoffed.

"There's nothing even remotely interesting about Naruto. I don't know why everybody flocks to his side." Shikamaru hummed.

"Maybe because he's nice, and happy unlike you! Why are you so hateful towards somebody your dad adopted?" Shikamaru wanted to know why there was a grudge against his best friend? Naruto loved everybody.

Everybody loved Naruto. There wasn't a person in this village that couldn't be hypnotized by Naruto's unearthly happiness and beauty unless their soul was rotten.

"I don't need to like him. Look at him." Naruto was shielding Sky from the class and spoke again.

"Please back up, you are making sky nervous and we can feel one another's emotions." Naruto said and nobody backed up still reaching to touch Sky which made sky let off distressed hormones which made Naruto release chakra that didn't seem to belong to him.

"LEAVE US ALONE. YOU ARE MAKING SKY NERVOUS!!" Naruto screamed, and everybody backed away from Naruto watching as him and sky glowed white simultaneously.

"You are scaring her, please stop!" Naruto said and Shikamaru scoffed.

"Well don't you assholes have something to say to him?" Shikamaru asked the children and they all mumbled an apology.

"Louder!" Shikamaru said and they all apologize louder, scrambling to their seats and Shikamaru scoffed and sat down.

Naruto is baby, absolutely baby. He needed to be protected because he was kind and sweet, and he only raised his voice if he needed too. He was a people person, smiling happily and talking to just about anybody.

"Now that you've all bothered Naruto enough. It's time for you Genin exams." In the tower was the third Hokage Hizuren, Shikaku and the Jounin to the future Genin.

"So is that fox like a nindo fox or more like a summons?" A Jounin asked, a lot of their attention was on the red and white haired soon to be Genin who sat next to Shino and a civilian as he filled out the exam.

Hizuren and Shikaku looked between one another, they both were actually unaware of what that fox was, and they hadn't thought to ask because Minato's been out on a mission, but judging by how they both were able to leak chakra it mean it was more along the lines of a ninja pet, instead of a summons.

"A Ninja Pet." They answered simultaneously, because that's what made the most sense to them, but then it also stands the fact that how did Naruto find a fox and they become so bonded that the fox stayed and allowed Naruto to share their chakra.

"Ah he looks a lot like Lady Fourth." Kakashi said musing, and a lot of people agreed, Hizuren only sat there calmly because that was indeed her child but only he and the elders knew, along with Minato but he was promised not to tell the child or anybody else.

Not until all the threats can be eliminated.

"He does, I'm sure she would've favored him had she still been alive." Hizuren said and the Jounin agreed. Before they heard Iruka walk in with the test scores and team placements.  

"So who's the lucky Jounin that gets to train Naruto." Asuma said, knowing it wouldn't be him, Hizuren and Shikaku looked at the Jounin.

"Do you all like the child." Kurenai chuckled a little.

"Like is a strong word. I'm sure some of the men and even woman here think Naruto is beautiful, he's like a goddess, somebody that should be praised. He will just brighten anybody day but I'm sure I know who his Jounin is." Kurenai said humming a little.

"Who is it?" Hizuren asked the woman, and she hummed.

"Kakashi, it makes the most sense. At least to me." Kurenai said and Hizuren chuckled and leaned back.

"Not fair!"

Soon grumbling broke out in the tower, and Hizuren looked up and mumbled something to Kushina and Kiro.

"Your child is a people magnet. I'll steer him in the right direction."

Iruka walked back in and the class was strangely quiet. One looks to Naruto and he looked calm, reading a book while Sky perched herself on his head. Yet Menma looked so irritated.

"Here are the teams." Iruka started as he listed off the civilian teams each person groaned when they realized Naruto wasn't on their team and then team seven was listed.

"Team Seven, Sensei Kakashi Hatake. Genin Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto, and Sakura Haruno.

Team Eight, Sensei Kurenai Yuhi. Genin Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Menma Namikaze and Shino Aburame.

Team Ten, Sensei Asuma Satutobi. Genin Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi."

Naruto hadn't moved at the mention of his team, he kept reading this book in Senjutsu. He was a sage, a rare sage and he was sure he didn't unlock everything there was to know about this certain sage and wanted to use this to the fullest extent.

When he closed the book he nodded and wanted to hurry this along and get some training done, there was a part in the forest of death he would disappear too, his connection with sky seemed to amplify in that specific part.

So that where he did his senjutsu training in.

"Ah how long have we been waiting." Sasuke mumbked to himself but Naruto heard him but didn't respond, Sakura was still fan-girling about being on a team with Sasuke.

"You really need to calm down. Sasuke doesn't even like you." Naruto found himself saying, one thing he hated more than anything was anybody that was going to get in the way of his goals.

And if Sakura only goal was to be with Sasuke, she might as well have just stayed a civilian. He might have notice her like that.

"You are here to be a ninja, not find a husband. So how about you do that Haruno." Naruto turned away from the door as it opened.

"Am I right Sasuke?" Sasuke stood up and nodded."

"Yeah, you're pretty cool, Foxy." Sasuke and Naruto walked next to one another and they looked to Sakura.

"Let's go Haruno." Naruto said and she sulked but followed behind the two boys who followed their sensei who hadn't spoken a word to them.

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